JPPC Activities

Hello from the Jells Park Primary Committee (JPPC)!

After an arduous few years of missed social events, we’re ready to start afresh and get back to the spirit of reconnecting and getting together again!


We have an exciting year ahead, with plenty of fundraising events and activities planned!


A successful second-hand uniform stall was held last Friday in the gym. If you missed out, do not fret as one will be held every term this year. If you have old uniforms at home, why not consider donating them in washed condition and dropping them to the school.


To kick off the social calendar, we have a Family Twilight Picnic at the school on Thursday 30 March from 5.30pm. Come along to meet and catch up with new or old friends, have a sausage and participate in fun games! 

Don’t forget to RSVP via QKR to let us know of your attendance for catering purposes (see below).


It is with great pleasure to announce the new Executive Committee members for 2023:

Convenor: Janneke [yan-ika], mother of Hudson in 5S

Assistant Convenor: Aulia [ol-lia], mother of Ellie B in 2B and Benny in 5S

Secretary: Kristy [kris-ti], mother of Baxter in 2H and Jamison in 6K

Treasurer: Saira [Sy-ra], mother of Abdul Hadi in 4J


If you would like to be involved and help with any of the events organised by JPPC, please do not hesitate to approach any one of us or come along to the next committee meeting held on Friday 17 March at 2.00pm located at the gym. 

We would love for more parents to be involved!


Hoping everyone has had a great start to the new school year and we look forward to seeing you at our school events!


Aulia on behalf of JPPC.