Other College News 

Farewell to Mr James Russell

Last week marked Mr James Russell’s last day at O’Connor. On Friday, we as a school farewelled Mr Russell. Year 11 Students contributed to farewell gifts. And Sophie and Josie gave a very moving farewell speech and thanks by giving Mr Russell his gifts! 


You will be sorely missed James but we wish you all the best on your new adventures!


Good Morning, Mrs Healy, Teachers, Fellow Students and Mr Russell,
I would like to say a few words this morning on behalf of year 11. As most of you may know it is Mr Russell’s last day here at O’Connor. He has been in multiple positions throughout his time here starting from when he arrived 7 years ago at O’Connor to now,  these positions include, being the current yr 11 leader of learning and successfully leading 2 HSC classes to graduation, a coach for many sporting teams, being the ATSI focus teacher for about 4 years. 
While in this role, he has worked closely with Matt and Kate to create the PRIDE group sessions and foster a culture of acceptance and pride within the indigenous community and many others. Mr Russell has been an excellent leader and mentor to all of us in year 11 and  to so many others throughout the school.
He has made people feel as though they are appreciated and cared for when they are in a tough spot, he always supported us in everything that happens, and has worked hard, trying to help us get the best education we can. 
Mr Russell is someone who is passionate about anything and is someone you can always count on. 
We know that you will continue to do these things in your new role with the Catholic School Office in Toowoomba, Queensland.
You better come back and visit us! 
You will definitely get an invitation to our graduation next year and you will always be remembered here at O’Connor.
So it is with great pleasure on behalf of year 11 to present these few things to Mr Russell. (card and shirt). We wish you the best of luck. 
Can we please have three cheers for Mr Russell

Step Day

Last week we had Year 6 students attend our STEP day at O'Connor. A lot of fun was had in science, food tech, agriculture & D&T. We hope to see all these students at our next STEP day in term 3.


Harmony Day

Students participated in Harmony Day celebrations this week. A beautiful artwork was created by both students and staff among other activities.


This fortnight Year 7 & Year 9 completed their Naplan tests. Well done to all students who sat the exam.

Community Choir

Lily performed with a community choir last week in a concert with Katie Noonan and her incredible vocal ensemble, AVE at Town Hall.  It was a wonderful concert and it was great to see some O'Connor representation!

St Patrick's Day

Mr Shane McCann representing the Irish in full form. We think he looks great, how  about you?!!


Upcycled Dress

O’Connor’s very own Sage Knott was selected to be interviewed for the ABC program called Backroads! Sage attracted their attention with her amazing upcycled dress, as well as her contribution to ZNet Uralla. Sage has won many awards for her amazing dress at the local shows this year! 


What an amazing achievement Sage!



Interesting titration practicals taking place with Mr Powers and Mr Andrews


Science and Engineering challenge

On 8th March, a keen group of year 9 and 10 students attended the Science and Engineering Challenge at Servies hosted by the University of Newcastle and with the help of Armidale Rotary and the University of New England. 


Students competed against schools from across Armidale, Guyra and Uralla in a range of competitions testing their science, engineering, technology and mathematics skills. 

Every group competed for points in the hopes of bringing us the honour of taking home gold, and for some of the year 10 boys, redemption. Challenges included building Mars rovers, earthquake-proof towers, and creating codes from lights and circuitry. 


At half-time, we were winning by 0.04 points and it came down to the bridge building. Our year 10 structural engineers did their very best with the balsa wood cardboard and masking tape but 1.5kg was the breaking point for their bridge. Unfortunately PLC built a bridge that survived 1.8kg, leaving the hopes for an O'Connor victory in tatters. 2nd place is still a worthwhile prize for the spectacular efforts of our buddy scientists and engineers, many of whom assured they will be back next year.!

Food Tech

Year 8 Food Tech Class invited special guests including Mrs Healy and Sarah from our very own canteen to try out their nutritionally enhanced menu options for the canteen they designed and created. Healthy creative and delicious!!


Great job Year 8!


Clean Up Australia Day

Students participating in the great Clean Up O’Connor competition for Clean Up Australia Day, such an awesome effort from all! 


Congratulations to our Ursula House Winners!