Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr

In our Prayers

We pray for the repose of the soul of:

  • Michael Lynch (husband of Dr Danielle Lynch).
  • John O'Rourke, grandfather of Danny O'Rourke Year 12 Gilroy, Tom O'Rourke (2010) and father of Greg (1975),  Paul (1976),  Damian (1983)  and Michael (1987) O'Rourke.


From John 11:25-26 Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"


Every time we gather for Mass, we proclaim in these or similar words, "Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again." Jesus' question to Martha at the time of her brother Lazarus' death, "Do you believe this?" is also put to us. Do we believe it in our heart of hearts, deep down inside? Yes! Do we believe that God's power can bring new life out of the most dreadful experiences in our lives? Yes!


Prayer Life-giving God, help me to trust your power in my life that I might experience the life you have promised.


Mary, Our Good Mother, Pray for us.

St Marcellin Champagnat, Pray for us.

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, Pray for us.

And may we always remember... to pray for one another.


May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen.

Assembly of Catholic Professionals

On Wednesday 22 March, the first Assembly of Catholic Professionals luncheon was held. We were invited to attend, and I was accompanied by Year 11 students Louis Morris and Frank Piper.


We were most fortunate to be given the opportunity to witness Ms Kirsty Robertson, CEO of Caritas Australia, address the community of Catholics gathered. Kirsty has lived, worked, and travelled to more than 50 countries. She spoke passionately about her experiences and witnessed inequity and the need to forge change for a better world. Kirsty is the first female CEO of Caritas Australia, which she explained was both a challenge but also extremely rewarding. She spoke about Caritas being a Catholic organisation that goes to places and to people that other NGOs won't reach out to because of just how remote and unstable these areas might be.


It was inspiring for myself and our students to hear the many stories of the women she has met throughout her life who have compelled her to do the work she does. Women living in extremely remote and impoverished communities, often alone in raising their children with very little funds and resources. It was moving to hear her share the stories, but she was very clear in explaining that these weren't stories of gloom or despair, but rather, they were stories of hope. We were blessed to hear these narratives of amazing people doing amazing and extraordinary things around the world and of how proud she was to be a part of that. In speaking to the students about Kirsty after her address, it was delightful to hear how hopeful they were about the many great works taking place around the world by organisations such as Caritas.


It was inspiring to be amongst like-minded people who share a vision and a hope for equity in our world and understand that we all stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world, and we must Act Courageously, Viriliter Age.

Stationery Aid

Run solely by volunteers, Stationery Aid collects, sorts, cleans, and delivers donated stationery items to students in need. These items can be used or unused items. Started by one of our very own Marist families, it is a great way to repurpose stationery items.

We are delighted to welcome Stationery Aid as part of the MATES program. The Stationery Aid collection bin can be found outside the Studies office.


Stationery Aid is offering volunteering opportunities in the holidays if any Marist College students or families are interested in assisting. For further information about volunteering or about Stationery Aid, please contact Alison Schutt, Founder of Stationery Aid, at alison@stationeryaid.org.


We are pleased to say that we have available for our Year 12 students ROSIES opportunities beginning next month. Appropriate briefing, support, and guidance are given. The dates for this year's visits are:

  • Monday 24 April (Brisbane North)
  • Monday 22 May (Brisbane City)
  • Monday 29 May (Brisbane North)
  • Monday 4 September (Brisbane City)

So, what is ROSIES and why do we engage with it?

ROSIES provides an environment of extended hospitality to people on the streets. It is a sit-down and have a chat coffee and biscuit set up. Schools from around the Southeast join with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Iona) and provide this well-recognised and well-used service. The opportunity to join a ROSIES crew for a night gives you another insight into life and service. This fits well with our Marist theme for this year: Created and Called – a revolution of love and tenderness.


Any Year 12 student interested in signing up for ROSIES should visit the Mission Office.

College St Vincent de Paul Group

The College St Vincent de Paul Group meets each Tuesday during break time and is back serving our community BBQ on Thursday mornings in the yard. Students are very welcome to join 'Vinnies'; all they need to do is come to the Mission Office for a meeting to register interest.

Tuesday Morning Reconciliation

Students, parents, staff, and other members of the College community are welcome to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Fr Tini is available every Tuesday morning in the College Chapel.

Wednesday Morning Community Mass

Students, parents, staff, and other members of the College community are warmly invited to Mass on Wednesday mornings in the College Chapel (every week during term time). Mass commences at 8:00am.

Game Changers

Game Changers is a comprehensive Catholic youth ministry program for students in Marist Schools from Years 7-12. It is designed to be an ongoing leadership and mentoring program for Marist students. It seeks to form Christian leaders by making Jesus Christ known and loved among them – the Mission of the Marist Institute and of this College. It involves regular meetings, faith formation experiences, and service opportunities, and students are invited to become game changers through their participation in the group. Game Changers is grounded in a series of tracks, each with their own stories, symbols, and activities. Through their participation in each track, the students come to a deeper appreciation of what and who shapes our Christian identity and Marist spirituality. Each track is led by a Mentor (member of staff). Each track lasts two years.


Groups will meet regularly during break times beginning Term 2.


The program includes a Regional Retreat Day for each year group and an additional Leadership Camp for Year 10 students. To register for Game Changers, or for more information, please email Mena McLean (mcleanm@marash.qld.edu.au) or come and visit anyone in the Mission Team area behind the Chapel.