Deputy Head of College News

Mr Charles Brauer


137 of our Year 5s sat still and reflectively after a long day of bodyboarding, high ropes, and archery - the first miracle! The second miracle (more like a bit of magic) was the diligence with which each student and staff member wove a piece of thread around a pebble they each received. The third piece of magic was how the idea of the 'thread' was presented to and absorbed by our Year 5s.


Although the idea and use of the 'thread' and 'fabric' have been used as a metaphor to explain social cohesion and the like before, I'm not so sure many other Year 5s have spent night one of their camp on this topic. Our young men were invited into exploring the concept of the 'thread' with being an integral person within the Marist Family. What a wonderful opportunity!


Building awareness of our interconnectedness and dependence on one another is an essential feature of a strong community of people. Such awareness creates a climate of belonging and acceptance, in which people feel free to be at their best for themselves and others. As our Year 5s and teachers 'threaded' their way through their night one reflection, they were asked to reflect on the threads of our Marist Family, which we are tasked with living out each day.


As we reflect back on an action-packed first term and look forward to a break, may we consider our role within the 'fabric' of our Marist Family and how we are:


The thread of family when we love others unconditionally.

The thread of friendships when we encourage and support our mates.

The thread of gratitude when we appreciate others in our life.

The thread of simplicity when we encounter obstacles.

The thread of prayer in times of uncertainty.

The thread of persistence in times of struggle.

The thread of Mary's Way when we seek guidance.

The thread of gentleness in times of haste.


Wishing all members of our Marist Family a safe and restful break and a Holy Easter.

Uniform Notice - Be nice at the shop!

Parents and guardians are reminded that the Noone staff in the Uniform Shop are valued members of our Marist Family. As such, they deserve to be always treated with dignity and respect. It is not acceptable for customers to display rude or abusive behaviour when visiting the Uniform Shop. Parents and guardians who wish to raise concerns regarding uniforms may do so via the Uniform Shop Feedback Form, or may email the College at

Tuckshop for Term 2 – Get off your couch!

Many of our parents are keen to help in some way to contribute to the Marist community that we are so well known for. Two ways to do this are through volunteering in the College Tuckshop during the day, or through the Sports Canteens on the weekend.


If you would like to volunteer in the Tuckshop during the day, please click on the relevant link below. Our Tuckshop convenor Josie Loucas will take your details and be only too happy to welcome you into the Tuckshop volunteer family. If you are too nervous to volunteer on your own, there is always the possibility of signing up with a friend. Just let Josie know if you want to be there at the same time as a buddy and I know she will help you out. We have parents who leave at the end of their son’s schooling journey commenting on how much they loved their regular (weekly, fortnightly or even term-by-term) Tuckshop catch-up with friends over the years.


Term 2:

Term 3:

Term 4:


For Sports Canteen volunteers, please keep an eye out on the App early next term for calls to sign up. Remember – if you feel more comfortable with a friend, please rope them in and take them along. The more the merrier!