Technology News

Mr Andrew Devoy - Curriculum Leader – Technologies

Certificate II Engineering Pathways Update

Making Industry Connections with Bridgeman Stainless Solutions

We are pleased to announce that Bridgeman Stainless Solutions have partnered with Marist College Ashgrove on our Formula Student program this year. Scott Summers (parent of Jake, Year 9 Harold) is CEO of Bridgeman Stainless Solutions and has eagerly provided sponsorship by way of the fabrication of the aluminium panelling on the LeMans Racecar. Last Wednesday 22 March, Mr Adrian Gray and myself were treated to a grand tour of the Bridgeman workshops at Brendale by John Collingwood (General Manager Bridgeman Manufacturing). As we made our way through the many production stages of the warehouse, we were fortunate enough to see our panelling being laser cut on their 4000-megawatt industrial fibre laser. It was very impressive indeed. The processes being demonstrated to us were very similar to our own Trotec Laser in our College workshops, just on a much smaller scale. The aluminium panelling also had MCA promotional marking lasered on it and will be used on the chassis and provide protection from the engine and heat generated.


This industry connection not only provides invaluable resources and experience, but it is also a requirement of running the Certificate II Engineering Pathways course that VET teachers maintain industry currency in the Engineering discipline. We sincerely thank Scott Summers and John Collingwood from Bridgeman Stainless Solutions for taking the time and effort to partner with us on this exciting racing program, and we look forward to maintaining the partnership.