Debating News

Ms Mary Stirling - Head of Library

Debating Report

The Marist Debating Teams have experienced a successful start to the debating season, with all teams showing improvements in their abilities to structure their substantive material and deliver their impromptu rebuttals. Across the cohorts, the dedicated coaches have reported several victories, a few narrow losses and all remain positive and focused on adopting valuable adjudicator feedback in the next round.


One of the strengths of all the debating teams has been their ability to prepare thoroughly for each debate. Debaters and coaches have invested a significant amount of time in researching the topics, practising arguments, and anticipating potential counterarguments. This has allowed us to present strong and persuasive cases in the debates we have participated in.


While we have experienced some losses in Round 1 debating, we have viewed these as opportunities for learning and growth. After each debate, we have taken the time to reflect on our performance, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies for addressing these areas in future debates. Looking ahead, debaters and coaches are confident in our abilities and remain focused on achieving our goals. We will continue to prepare diligently for each debate, adapt to unforeseen circumstances as needed, and approach each challenge with a positive and determined attitude.