General Information

Information which you need to be aware of.


We feel very blessed at St John’s to be awaiting the arrival of several babies. Both Alisha Keogh and Alicia Hughes have now commenced Maternity Leave as they await the arrival of the newest additions to their families.  The ladies worked the first part of term, supporting teachers to complete all of our beginning of year assessments.  We wish Alisha and Alicia all the best and look forward to meeting their new babies.


We congratulate Ms Laura Couch, who announced recently that she is expecting her first child.  Laura will be with the Year Preps until the end of Term 2.  Once arrangements have been finalised for a replacement teacher, we will notify parents. 



A reminder to families that students are NOT permitted to carry any form of medication (except for ventolin).  This includes paracetamol (Panadol etc) ibuprofen (Nurofen etc).


If your child requires medication at any point during the day, please deliver this to the office at the beginning of the day.  You will be required to complete a Medication Consent Form.  We thank you for your cooperation in enabling us to adhere to the strict protocols surrounding the administering of medication to student


Each year in March Australians celebrate Harmony Day.  Harmony Day is a recognition of our cultural diversity, a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home. Held every year in March, Harmony Day coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.


Wyndham City Council  is home to many different cultures. Harmony Day is a great opportunity to bring our community together to celebrate all cultures, embrace cultural diversity and to share what we have in common with one another.  Wyndham City’s Youth Services is delighted to be hosting a free Harmony Day celebration on Saturday 18 March from 11am to 4pm, at the Youth Resource Centre, 86 Derrimut Road, Hoppers Crossing.





Last year we established our St John’s School Advisory Council.  The role of this group is to support the Principal, Parish Priest and leadership team of the school.  Corinne Landicho was the Parish Representative on the council, but with Gavin and Callianne now at secondary school, she has tendered her resignation. Therefore we are calling on any parents who are active members of the St Andrew’s Parish, to express an interest in being part of the School Advisory Council.   Please contact the school if you are interested in pursuing this role.  Thanks once again to our School Advisory Council members for their ongoing commitment to our school community. 


All Catholic schools are reviewed by an external body every four years.  This process helps us to identify strengths and set directions for the coming 4 years. The review will be completed by Mrs Mary Lovelock.  During the review our policies and practices will be reviewed to ensure we are compliant with government regulations. Mary will be onsite on the 22nd and 23rd of May and will meet with parents, students and school staff, to discuss St John’s programs and practices. 


The school will continue our partnership with Subway this year.  This initiative provides students with an opportunity to receive a ‘lunch order’, that families have ordered and paid for online, prior to the day.  Our next Subway Lunch Day will be Friday 24th March.  


Please order via the link below:


As Jayden’s first anniversary date falls on a day when Fr Albert is unavailable to say Mass, we will be remembering Jayden at our school Mass on 24th May.  While this is a sad occasion we can take comfort in the knowledge that Jayden is at peace in God’s care. At this Mass we will remember the many gifts which Jayden’s life brought us, and we will pray for Bill, Vesna and Jake.


Year 5 parents should be aware that enrolments for Year 7 Catholic Secondary Schools are finalised in August of the student’s Grade 5 year.  Parents are advised to be aware of this timeline when making arrangements for their child’s secondary school enrolment. 


Below are some important Child Safety reminders:


New Child Safe Standards were introduced by the Victorian Government to better protect children and young people, and to support greater national consistency. The eleven new Standards replaced Victoria's existing seven standards and principles.  The new Standards provide greater clarity and practical advice and came into effect on 1 July 2022.


The key changes included: 

  • Involving families and communities in efforts to keep children and young people safe;
  • A greater focus on safety for Aboriginal children and young people;
  • Management of the risk of child abuse in online environments.

In light of these new standards Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) updated all their child safety related policies and procedures.

Gate Closures

All external gates close at 8:50am, ensuring all buildings in the school are secure and that only the students can access areas such as the toilets.  We ask parents who walk their children to the classroom door to arrive a few minutes before the 8:50am starting bell so that gates can be closed promptly, and the school day can commence.

Student Absences

All schools have a legal responsibility to record and monitor student attendance daily. We ask parents to call the school on 8754 4300 and follow the prompts to report a student absence. Teachers mark their roll at the beginning of the day, therefore any student arriving after 8:50 must enter the school via the front office and check in.   

Afternoon Pick Up

A reminder that the school day finishes at 3:15 for students, with teachers then attending scheduled meetings and completing planning and preparation tasks. Families who regularly run late for pick up, will be directed to the After School Care Program.  Costs for the program can be located using the following link.