Key Dates & Reminders


Below is a list of some of the main dates on the school calendar for Term 1 2023.  Families need to be aware that events which involve organisations outside of St John’s, such as the St Andrew’s Parish, may at times need to be rescheduled.  Please be aware that these changes are beyond our control.


We will be holding a Practice Session & Information Evening at St John’s School Hall, Thursday 16th March at 7:00pm.  At this meeting students will practise the process of going to Confession and parents will receive information required for next week’s celebration.  We require all students to attend this meeting with one parent.



The dates of this year’s sacramental celebrations have been finalised.  We thank families for your patience as we worked with the Bishop’s Office, the St Andrew’s Parish and the other Parish Primary Schools to schedule these dates.


On Friday 24 March, students all around Australia are encouraged to ride to school. This is a particularly important day for us at St John’s because we are in the unique position of having a Bike Ed Program here at school.  Join more than 350,000 students across the nation who will be riding, walking, scooting or skating to school on this day. 








A reminder that students finish early on Thursday 30th March, to accommodate our Parent Teacher Interviews.


Our Semester One Parent Teacher Interviews will be held over two days, in the last two weeks of this term.  The first session will be held on Thursday 30th March from 1:00pm - 8:00pm.  To accommodate this, students will finish at 12:30pm on this day.  The second session will be held on Tuesday 4th April from 3:30pm - 7:30pm.  We will offer both online and in person options for this year’s interviews.  To make a Booking please click on the button below and use the code:  n4apn



Please note that parents of students with Anaphylaxis or other serious medical conditions will be contacted to arrange a meeting to review their child’s management plan.  These meetings will be held either prior to or following your child’s parent teacher interview time. 



Reminder that the School Advisory Council had their final meeting for Term 1, last evening.


The remaining scheduled meeting dates for the year are:

  • Tuesday, 9th May at 7pm
  • Tuesday, 25th July at 7pm
  • Tuesday 22nd August at 7pm
  • Tuesday, 17th October at 7pm


Please note all bookings will close at 9am Monday 3rd April.


If you require a Vacation Care Booking after this date, you will need to contact to request the booking and an additional $50 admin fee will apply per family. This additional admin fee will also apply if you have already made a vacation care booking and are requesting extra days in addition to that booking.

Please note vacation care bookings are subject to availability.


The vacation care activities brochure for the guide to planned activities is attached for your information and can also be found on our website Please choose the correct brochure for your service.


Important Vacation Care Reminders - please read carefully:

  1. Once you have booked Vacation Care on the parent app, there are NO CANCELLATIONS, NO TRANSFER OF DAYS and NO REFUNDS
  2. On excursion days, all children need to arrive at their vacation care venue BEFORE 9am
  3. If you are booking an excursion day, you will need to go on to the OWNA app and sign the Excursion Consent Form for EVERY excursion that you book
  4. If your child needs medication during vacation care, please ensure the venue has valid/ in date medication and that you have completed the medication form via the parent app for the duration of the vacation care program
  5. Please ensure that you DO NOT pack ANY NUT PRODUCTS in your child’s snack or lunch
  6. Make sure you know how many hours your childcare subsidy covers you for as Vacation Care sessions are 11.5 hours per day (For example: if you are covered for 100 hours and book all 10 days (115 hrs) you will not be covered by CCS for the extra 15 hours)
  7. Please ensure that you are aware of the Childcare Subsidy rules regarding First and Last Day Absences that may affect your childcare subsidy payments -  especially if using vacation care at a venue that is not your child’s regular before and after school care venue – Services Australia Absences
  8. All Vacation Care programs close at 6pm
  9. Vacation Care bookings are subject to availability

To find the service address and for detailed instructions for locating and accessing the out of school hours/Vacation care services at each site, including all of the onsite service contact phone numbers - Please use this link (and scroll to the bottom of the page)


Vacation Care Enrolment Process:

  1. If you are currently enrolled for Before and After School Care – You will need to use the app to make your bookings for each of the dates you require by booking them as a casual day.

Please see instructions for booking a casual booking attached and also @ - please click the heading Enrolment Key Information (OWNA) and follow instructions for how to make a casual booking via your app.

  1. If you are not currently enrolled for Before and After School Care – please complete the enrolment form which can be found at Click on School Age Care and then the Service you wish to enrol in to open the enrolment form. Please select the Service you wish to enrol in from the select a service - drop down box. Once you have completed the enrolment, including returning the Direct Debit Request Form and the CWA, you will be sent an invitation to download the OWNA parent app. Once you have downloaded the app please follow the instructions for booking as above.


  • As per our enrolment agreement terms and conditions, fees for vacation care are paid a week in advance of care by direct debit. Direct Debit Request Form must be completed before the enrolment can be approved:

o   For week 1 - You will receive the invoice to your app on 4th April with direct debit on 6th       April 2023

o   For week 2 - You will receive the invoice to your app on 11th April with direct debit on           13th April 2023


For more information and the location of the out of school hours care please see our website -

WANT TO STAY INFORMED?  Download the School App!!

We ask all parents to download the new school app to stay informed of important school information. This is our prime method of communicating important updates and reminders with families.


Use the links below to download the App to your phone:




Please remember to turn on notifications to this app within your phone settings so you are informed immediately of any updates.

School App Notifications

If you find that you are not receiving regular notifications on your school app, we suggest you reinstall the app as sometimes updating a phone can impact it.