Student excursions & activities


Plenty River College braved the boiling conditions to attend the Homelessness City Tour with the Salvation Army. Students were able to visualise the actual places homeless people stayed overnight to brave the weather. They also learned about the demographics of people that become homeless and the reasons why they’re in that position.



Melbourne Tech School

We have four students who are part of the 2023 Whittlesea Tech Student Ambassador Program, Jay, Josh, Matilda and Anna. They recently spent a day at Whittlesea Tech School where they participated in a variety of activities that focused on teamwork, communication, facilitation, collaboration, creativity and peer-to-peer education. The focus of the 2023 program is to form small groups to select an interactive projection/installation project that students will develop to be displayed in the exhibition space. We look forward to seeing what our students produce over the journey.


HOYTS Cinema

As a component of the literacy curriculum, students need to understand the structures and features of different films and complete reviews on those selected. Students recently attended HOYTS Cinema in Greensborough to watch a movie of choice. The excursion was also linked this to the numeracy and PDS curriculum. Students had to plan the event, outlining how to get to and from the cinema using public transport and students costed the excursion. The students had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We look forward to completing another excursion to the cinema in Term 2.



BBQ Fundraiser 

Recently, our students ran a barbeque fundraiser at Bunnings Mernda. Despite the long hours and inclement weather conditions, each student showed great enthusiasm and commitment to the cause. Unfortunately, due to the weather, patronage was down on what we had hoped, but we were still able to raise money for the homeless. 



Library Garden Project

Many of our students are actively involved in the Mill Park Gardening Beatification Project. Each Thursday afternoon a group of eager students work tirelessly weeding, tidying and preparing the site ready for planting. Plenty River College has collaborated with Mill Park Bunnings as part of a community project and we thank Bunnings for their very kind donations of soil, gardening tools, shovels, gloves, guidance and expertise about what plants the students should plant in the outdoor space. We look forward to sharing photos of the finished outdoor space in an upcoming newsletter. A huge thank you to Mill Park Library and Bunnings Mill Park for supporting this valuable Community Connections Project as part of the students VCE-VM Applied Learning studies.



WRS Cooking Skills

Each week students have an allocated day for cooking whereby they are given a set budget. The students work collaboratively to choose a menu item for lunch, they budget the cost of the ingredients and then go to the local supermarket with staff to purchase the food items. Students allocate tasks amongst themselves through team work, communication, comprise and select roles by utilising their individual strengths and capabilities. Many learning outcomes and skills and knowledge are demonstrated through this weekly task that is integrated into Numeracy, Personal Development and Work-Related Skills.

Community Festival art
Community Festival art
Community Festival Art
Community Festival art
Community Festival art
Community Festival Art

Community festival artwork, created with the help of a few of our students and a trip to Bounce Trampoline Park.