Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

Wheatbelt Support Serivces Directory

Below is a detailed directory of services available within the Wheatbelt compiled by Holyoake in Northam. There are contacts for alcohol and drug support, wellbeing and mental health, ATSI services, medical, family and domestic violence services, along with financial, housing and social services.



Road Safety Starts with Me - Youth Summit 

Western Australia will host the National Road Safety Week in May 2023, and a highlight of the week will be an inaugural Youth Summit on Tuesday, 16 May 2023.


The full-day summit, to be held at the Perth Convention Centre and aims to lead Year 10 to 12 students on a learning journey, developing road safety awareness and skills across a range of scenarios.


We will be sending all Year 12 students to this important event. Students can expect:

  • engaging keynote speeches aimed at a teenage audience, including road safety speakers directly impacted by road trauma.
  • interactive road safety activities.
  • critical learning outcomes dedicated to improved road safety behaviours and improved advocacy skills. 

The full itinerary and the Consent2Go permissions for the event, will be sent out early Term 2.


Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator