From our Assistant Principal
Judith McDonald
From our Assistant Principal
Judith McDonald
We hope that the holidays provide a time for some relaxation and a break from the school routine. It has been great working in partnership with you all this term and we look forward to seeing students and families back at school on April 24th.
Teachers have been finalising student Individual Education Plans (IEP's) outlining learning goals and supports for Semester 1 2023 following the Student Support Group meetings with parents and carers. We have now transferred our IEP's on to Compass so they will look a bit different to previous years. We will be sending home a paper copy to all families early in term 2 and gradually move towards parents and carers accessing these documents via Compass during the year.
We are planning for and hoping to see our swimming and hydrotherapy programs return in term 2. We will send out an update to families in the first week of term and include information about the day your child will have swimming and what they need to bring.