
Easter Hat Parade & Raffle and Casual Clothes Day - Save the date!
On the second last day of term (Wednesday 5th April) we will be holding an Easter Hat Parade and our traditional Hamper Raffle. Children may choose to participate by wearing a hat made at home for the parade if they wish. It may seem a long time away but we thought advanced notice to get the creative juices flowing on designs might be appreciated by some.
Additionally, we invite children to wear casual clothes on Friday 24th March. In return, we ask that children bring in a donation on the day, as a contribution to our Easter Hampers. Some suggestions: Easter eggs, Easter craft, or holiday entertaining items such as playing cards, travel games etc.
Raffle tickets and further details will be provided closer to the date.
Bunnings BBQ School Fundraiser- Save the date Saturday 13th May!
We have been lucky enough to secure a Bunnings BBQ fundraiser in Term 2 on Saturday 13th May. Money raised will be used to fund the school bus that takes the children to the Swimming Program.
We rely on the generosity of our Bolinda School Community to offer their time and assist us on the day - many hands make light work. We ask that families put Saturday 13th May in their calendar and timeslots will be as follows: 8-10am / 10am-12 / 12-2pm / 2-4pm
We need a minimum of three people on every shift to be able to operate.
Zooper Doopers on Fridays
While the weather is warm this term, we've had a family donate Zooper Doopers each week on a Friday for the children to purchase at lunchtime for 50c. There will also be lemonade colourless Zooper Doopers available. Proceeds from the purchases will go towards developing the front gardens of our school. The icy poles will be available from the school kitchen.