Principal's Message

Interschool Sport
I had the privilege of attending Interschool Sports last Friday in Romsey, where our Year 4/5/6 students competed in the Tee-ball competition against other schools in our region. We entered two teams, and while we did not make it to the finals, our students represented our school very proudly by showing excellent teamwork, courage, and respect. Thank you to - Amy, Meryn, and Justine - our incredible helpers on the day.
I invite all of our parents, carers & guardians to come to Bolinda Primary School to help out in any way you can. We would love to see you on our school grounds lending your expertise - whether it is helping to get our veggie garden all spruced up or volunteering to listen to children read, it all helps the school. If you have any spare time, please let me know and we can work together to get something going.
Canteen Update
We had 22 out of 45 students order a lunch order in the first week of the service being offered. The whole process was very smooth and we hope the children enjoyed their lunches. A reminder to get your lunch orders in by Tuesday 12pm so that they are included in that week's service.
Crazy Hair Day
A Bolinda Primary School student, Josh, signed up for the World's Greatest Shave this year. As part of this event, where he will have his hair shaved off at assembly, we invite students to come and join in some CRAZY hair fun. On Friday, March 17, students are invited to come in colourful wigs, different hairstyles, or painted hair (or all three). There is no donation needed for this day. It is purely for fun and to show our support. If you would like to support Josh this is how you can do it:
School Council
We have filled our vacancies for our school council. We now have our AGM on Tuesday, March 14, where members will be able to take on roles to help the school council run efficiently.
Instrumental Music Lessons
Music lessons are back at Bolinda in 2023, hosted by Jacob Petrossian. Make sure you read the page about the lessons if you are interested.
Curriculum Days
The proposed curriculum days will go to school council next Tuesday and I will be able to communicate them to you once they're approved.
Family BBQ
It was so wonderful to see the families of Bolinda Primary School attend our Family BBQ. I know that Thursday can be full of other commitments but we were overwhelmed with the amount of people who gathered to enjoy a sausage in bread. We cooked over two hundred sausages for the event and School's Out kindly provided cupcakes as a dessert.
Year 6 Jackets
The Year 6 jackets have arrived and they look fantastic. Our senior students have been wearing them with pride.
Football Clinics
Our two-week AFL Football clinics started this week. These clinics are provided free by AFL Victoria and run through a series of skills and drills. The whole school loved their session and is looking forward to next week.
Middle Classroom
The middle classroom has been working harder than ever and is making huge strides with their learning. I popped in this week and saw some excellent learning taking place. I was particularly pleased with the conversations being had about the work. Students helped each other work through some tricky worded maths problems so that they could get an answer.
I saw some excellent student-made posters to promote Josh's World's Greatest Shave. Students have been counting down the days and have put a lot of effort into these posters so that everyone is aware of the date.
The middle classroom is sharing a book at the moment called Wonder. They're using it to learn about the process of writing and how authors can use words to entertain and teach us. The grade has an excellent display in the classroom where they show their work connected to the book they're reading.
Jordan Chamerski