Salvēte (Hello) Marian Community. 


What have the Romans ever done for us? For the past several weeks the Year Nine History Elective class have been investigating the topic of history and media. Our journey through history has arrived at the infamous Roman town of Pompeii where in 79 CE/AD Mt Vesuvius suddenly erupted and encased the city (and its unfortunate inhabitants) in a dense layer of ash and earth for nearly 2000 years. This tragic event has gifted historians and archaeologists with a treasure trove of Roman artefacts detailing how citizens of the Empire conducted their daily lives. This includes graffiti of everyday Romans about mundane and very normal events in their day. From Lucius’ Bakery bakes the best bread in the city `` to'' Rufus was here” among others. These often poorly drawn entries provide 21st century audiences with a snapshot of how life was really like in the Empire. The Pompeii site due to the eruption is unique in the preservation of buildings, artefacts and graffiti from antiquity.  Wanting to engage with this fascinating aspect of Roman life the History Elective class embarked on a crash course of the Latin alphabet, grabbed some chalk and got drawing. This activity enabled students to experience the actions of Romans in a fun and colourful manner. The entire class had a blast and I will admit so did I! This is just one of the many exciting learning experiences that students are able to experience in HSIE and History Elective. I look forward to where our historical journey takes us next!


Valēte (goodbye), 


Mr Lyon.


Year 7 HSIE

Term 4’s assessment task for year 7 HSIE (History) consisted of a speech, a 1 page summary and a model of an Ancient Egyptian artefact. Every year this task proves a favourite among students as they design, construct and present amazing creations to the delight of their fellow students and teachers. Check out the photos below of some student samples from 7 HSIE C, D and E.

Mr Munro

HSIE Teacher