From the Library,

Library Term 4,

At present, we are unable to utilise the library as a learning or borrowing space in compliance with the  DET VIC CovidSafe Protocols.

  • Please ensure your child has access to our E-book Library.  (Any new students will be soon receiving login details via email.)
  • Don't forget the Scholastic Book Club. (Below) Books will be delivered direct to your home and you won't need to wait for delivery, like you do when the books come to the school. 
  • Plus of course, the E-book Library at Alliance Francaise.

We have been very busy recently, cataloguing and covering a rather large pile of new books, in readiness for the students when the library is re-opened. 


Scholastic Book Club Term 4 2021.

Dear CJC Community.


Due to lockdown, we did not run our normal Book Fair in term 3. 

In order to ensure every student has access to some reading material, we are running both Scholastic Term 4 catalogues this year. (Issue 7 and 8 - Normally we only run one.)

They have switched the catalogues around and Issue 8 is being offered first. Issue 7 will be later in the term. (A bit confusing.) 


Issue 8 is available now. For this issue, books can only be ordered with delivery to your homes. (Covid safety)  Physical copies of the catalogue are not available. The PDF version is at the link below. There will be a delivery fee of $7.50.


(As the books will be sent direct to your homes, I do not have to close the issue on a specific date. You will probably be able to order up to December 8, but the earlier the better to avoid delays in delivery. There will be reminders in the newsletter)



(Scholastic sent me the link to their digital issue, however I found it took a very long time to load.  I converted it to a print PDF (above) but if you need their digital PDF this is their link. )


Ordering is easy, via the Scholastic Website or on their Mobile App (LOOP) which is available through the App store.  


Books will be delivered to your home. - Delivery fee $7.50

Or download Loop Book Clubs from the App store.




Scholastic are happy to help with any queries you may have.  If you get stuck and need help, simply call their friendly Customer Service team on: 1800 021 233 between the hours of 8am to 5pm. After 5pm, you may email their after-hours LOOP help on



Trudy Warman

Library Co-ordinator

E-book Library.


Don't forget to make use of our E-book Library.  Everyone should have their login code and passwords.  Please contact Trudy if you don't have yours.

  1. E-Book Library is found under the Remote and Flexible Learning Tab on the school website.  Go to ‘Remote and Flexible Learning’ then click the ‘E-Book Library’ tab. CJC  Website -
  2. Or, go direct to the E-Book Library by following this link.
  3. Click on ‘sign in’ (top right corner).
  4. Enter your child’s individual username and password.
  5. Start browsing and start reading.  (Your child can borrow up to two books for two weeks).

The E-book library has highlighted the books that are on the VIC Premier's Reading Challenge list so they are easy to find.


Login and password reminder.

Login - Firstname.lastname

Password - The student id which can be found on the compass app, when you look at your child's details. This is in upper case and is case specific.

These details should be recorded in the front of the student diary.

French E-library at Alliance Francaise.


Parents who are members of the Alliance Francaise,  you have access to the Culturetheque library with over 220,000 books available for students to borrow.