From the Editor

Over the last few months since our last newsletter, there has been a lot happening for APLI. There have been wonderful contributions made by a number of people, some of which is mentioned below and in the following pages. I would like to begin by highlighting that our Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 11 October. A formal notice together with agenda papers will be sent to financial members but if you would like to attend then please contact us through


Executive committee member Yamin Myat Aye and her colleagues at the Kalamunda Hospital Palliative Care Unit conducted a fundraising meal to coincide with National Palliative Care Week in May. In addition, Yamin sold three of her paintings to raise a total of $650 for APLI. Thank you so much for your generosity of spirit.


Also in May was our first virtual APLI forum, the webinar ‘Evidence + Stories = Advocacy’ organized by John Haberecht, Sarah Begley and Joan Ryan. Dr Ravi Kannan and his wife and colleague, Seetha, spoke about their personal journey at the Cachar Cancer Centre and what advocacy means to them as clinicians and frontline workers. Katherine Pettus, advocacy officer for the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care (IAHPC) presented on her experience and work in advocating for global palliative care development. 


If you didn’t get a chance to attend the webinar, a recording is available here.


In light of the impact that COVID-19 had on India during the terrible second wave over the months of March to July, we received a number of enquiries from members as to how we could assist. Donations made through the APLI website were directed to Pallium India to reach people in the community with basic food, essential medicines, critical oxygen supplies, and other ongoing palliative care support. Although that fundraiser has now closed, donations are still gratefully received - and fully tax deductible - funds raised will assist APLI as we establish links with new services keen to partner with us:


Finally, our indefatigable chair Odette Spruijt coordinated both a workshop as well as a poster presentation at the recent Oceanic Palliative Care Conference 2021, to inform the Oceanic palliative care community about the value of long-term relationship-based education and encouraging the development of similar projects. With support from Marianne Phillips, John Haberecht, Sarah Begley and Joan Ryan we hear presentations from three of our Indian partners: Abdul Moulana and Ali Azheer from Lakshadweep, Iqbal Bahar from Assam, and Saima Furqan from Gujarat.


Please see below for the poster put together with assistance from our friend Archana Ganesh and this CareSearch blog written by Odette.



Best wishes wherever this may find you,

Anil Tandon