Middle School News

Whilst students are learning from home the Middle School Team has been running lunchtime Kahoots with the year 9 and 10 students. It is a great opportunity for students and staff to have some fun and interact with others who are not in their classes.
Last week we played a music themed game. Congratulations to Candi, Ellie and Caitlin for winning.
Remote learning and returning to school
We are so proud of how well the students have remained motivated and supported each other whilst learning from home. We look forward to welcoming the students back soon, with Year 9’s returning on Tuesday 26 October and year 10s returning on Thursday 28 October.
Amanda O'Hara
Director of Middle School
Morrisby Career Profile program
This week year 9 students have participated in the second part of the Morrisby Career Profile Program. Every student has had the opportunity to complete the Morrisby assessment and this is followed-up with a one-on-one interview with a Morrisby Career Consultant. Students attend online (with a parent/guardian if they choose) and discover their comprehensive personal profile that identifies their strengths, raises self-awareness and provides career suggestions that are aligned with their personal profile.
The information students gain in their meeting will be helpful as they begin to think about participating in the work experience program in 2022 and then VCE subject selections in mid-2022.
It is great that even though our students are learning remotely, they have been able to access this fantastic career-matching tool that they will continue to have access to for their lifetime. More information about the Morrisby Career Profile can be found on their website: https://www.morrisby.com/
The Morrisby Career Profile Program is fully funded by the Department of Education for all year 9 students.
Some comments about the experience from our students:
I thought that the Morrisby test was actually really helpful. It showed lots of good things like how I learn and what I'm best at which I thought was really good. It was also helpful having a one on one interview to help guide us through the process and see what means what. Overall I thought it was a really good thing to do and I took a lot out of it.
I found the interview super helpful and gained heaps of insight about more career options for me. It really expanded my horizons in terms of jobs and also gave me helpful advice in terms of what to study in higher education and uni. I was really glad we had the opportunity to complete the test and I gained lots from it.
I personally really enjoyed the meeting, it was so helpful. It’s scary how accurate it was … It was a great meeting and very helpful for me, I think if someone didn’t know what they wanted to do as a career … they would have found it very helpful. If was great how she went through each part thoroughly but kept the meeting moving. My mum was there and she also said it was very accurate and eye opening on all the careers I could get involved in. I really enjoyed it.
I really enjoyed hearing my strengths and I found it very helpful and valuable. It helped me understand my strengths and showed me careers I had never thought about before. - Olivia
What I found the most helpful from Morrisby was what it told me about my strengths. I think it will help me with what subjects I chose to do in school and give me some guidance for life after school.
Karen Garton
Careers and Pathways Coordinator