Junior School news

Welcome back to term 4!
We hope the students managed a break from their screens and that the students are ready for their final term in year 7 and 8.
Staged return to onsite learning
We are looking forward to welcoming the Junior School students back to school on Tuesday 26 October. Please see the table below for the specific days students are to attend school.
Year Level | Return to school date and days. |
Year 7 | Tuesday 26 October - every day (Monday to Friday) |
Year 8 | Tuesday 26 October - Tuesday and Wednesday only |
Year 8 students will be “full time” at school from Friday 5 November!
We will certainly be focussing on student social and emotional well being to support their transition back to school. Many students may take a while to re-establish school routines, but please know that the Student Managers, teachers and well being staff are here to support them.
Lunchtime Kahoot
On Tuesday 5 October the lunchtime Kahoot was on “The Hunger Games.” It was lovely to see so many students and teachers join in the fun. This time, the students dominated! Congratulations to Eva Brennan (7B - Kenny) on winning the Kahoot, Alexandra Snodgrass (8A - Jackson) for coming second and Emily Gough (8A - Kenny) for coming third.
On Tuesday 12 October the lunchtime Kahoot was on “The Maze Runner.” It was a close competition with many lead changes. Congratulations to Maddi Lewis (7G - Jackson) for winning the Kahoot, closely followed by Scarlett Fraser (7D - Jackson) and Mahdis Soroush (8B - Mackellar). Thank you to everyone who came along to play.
Next week we will run our final remote Kahoot (we hope) for the year and it will be on “Avengers.” We hope to see many students and teachers there.
Emma Holman
Director of Junior School
The feature image is of a 'snowgirl' created by Gerry, our Maintenance Manager, near the Junior Learning Centre, after a recent hail storm.