Sport news

Welcome back to Term 4
Another interesting one ahead!
Unfortunately I can report that the decision from School Sport Victoria (SSV) which are our governing sporting organisation that “all regional and state competitions have been cancelled for the remainder of 2021”.
In addition, at this stage the planned divisional competitions has also been cancelled for now with the hope of some friendly games occurring once we can.
Love Your Body Week House points
What a massive and action packed last week of Term 3 we had with the running of various online events as part of the Love Your Body Week. It was so pleasing to see students get involved as much as possible from their homes with a meditation, HIIT workout, creating an affirmation jar and listening to an Olympian Jemima Montag give us insight into her experience at the Tokyo Olympics.
In addition, students were given a chance to submit e screenshot of them attending of the events in order to contribute to their house shield. The results are as follows:
4th place - Melba (200 points)
3rd place – Kenny (280 points)
2nd place – Mackellar (600 points)
1st place - Jackson (1240 points)
A special mention to the following students who attended all sessions throughout the week: Arli Phillips 7C, Emily Gough 8A, Julie Bazatu 7C and Jemmah Paton 10E.
Olympic Change Maker Award
Congratulations once again to our year 12 recipients, Briar Brown and Lucy Belleville on being awarded. Both of these students have contributed both in and out of school in each of their sporting pathways and we will them both every success going forward in their future endeavours.
Given the school community could not acknowledge these students at an assembly Lucy and Briar were presented with their official certificates by Ms Brown, while practising social distance protocols.
Ilana Parker
House competition and interschool sports coordinator