From the Principal's Desk

Dear Monty South families,


Well here we are about to hit the finish line for term 3! Who would have thought when we started the term, that it would end with the most part of it being held remotely! We are so very proud of the way students, families and staff have navigated the online environment and been able to demonstrate flexibility, perseverance and optimism. These attributes certainly help us all during these challenging times and assist with developing a positive mindset and being able to learn new things.


End of term reminder: All learning and supervision will end at 2.30pm this Friday 17 September. Camp Australia will provide an after-school care service from 2.30-6.00pm for eligible students.


As this goes to publication, we are still awaiting direction for what the start of Term 4 on Monday 4 October will look like. While we hope we will be able to welcome students back, past experience and knowledge of regional easing of restriction suggests there could well be a possibility of a staged return. We will update families via Compass newsfeed as soon as we know what will be happening.

We ensure a Covid-safe environment at MSPS by;

  • Using QR code to check in and keeping a visitor register
  • Providing hand sanitiser in every room
  • Ensuring mask wearing and social distancing is adhered to
  • Routinely cleaning areas being used
  • Increasing ventilation through opening doors, windows and having fans on
  • Promoting and encouraging vaccination

Although the school holidays will again be impacted and limit the things we are able to do, we hope that families are able to find some way to enjoy the break. Hopefully there will be some nice, sunny weather that will allow the great outdoors to be utilised for exercise and adventures.

With the AFL grand final taking place over the holidays, we wish Demon and Bulldog supporters all the very best! Let’s hope that it is a great spectacle of tenacity and prowess.

All students, staff, pets and families were invited to dress in their favourite footy colours today to show their support and loyalty to their team.


Just Dance Party

It was great to see so many people join the whole school dance party on Wednesday and bring their best dance moves to the event! The bright colours theme reflected happy vibes and good, fun times that were had by everyone. Thank you for joining in and ending the term on such a bright and fantastic note. We would like to send out a huge thank you of gratitude and appreciation to Montmorency Secondary College for their 2022 captains for hosting and doing a fabulous job. We also thank our own Monty South staff, led by Tracey Cole, for their contributions and efforts in making it such a success. It is amazing how music and dance can have such a positive influence on our mood and outlook. Keep dancing and singing as we head into the term break. Check out the staff dancing their way to holidays video for inspiration.


YABBA invite to vote for favourite book & PRC Reminder

A Compass newsfeed was sent out last week to invite Monty South students to vote for their favourite book from the 2021 shortlist. Voting closes Friday the 17th of September. 

I wonder if your favourite book will win?

Also, in that same newsfeed there was a final reminder that the Premier’s Reading Challenge closes this Friday. Congratulations to everyone who completed the challenge.   I hope that you were able to find a book that entertained or inspired you. Keep reading!


Wellbeing Captains

Kindness week was very successful, we thank all who participated and hope you great fun! Keep being kind! Emma and Amy


Staff Video

Please watch our latest staff video! We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday!