Learning in the Junior School and ELC

From the Head of Junior School & Early Learning
It is an exciting period of growth and development at Loreto College, and we are committed to being a school of choice and excellence, both now and into the future. The Junior School refurbishment of the Saint Omer Year 2 to Year 4 Learning Centre is well underway, with completion on track for the start of the 2022 school year. These new classrooms will be filled with natural light, timber furnishings and will include a multipurpose art space and expansive views to the beautiful outdoor learning play spaces.
We have also remodelled the Teresa Ball room (located upstairs near the Year 5 and 6 classrooms) for use by our Learning Intervention staff. Each fortnight, the Learning Intervention team and I meet to discuss every Junior School class. These are holistic conversations that track both the academic, social and emotional development of each girl. We are tailoring classroom learning and small group intervention sessions to every girl’s individual needs. In 2022, we will be growing our support and enrichment programs further, and we look forward to sharing these new initiatives with you soon.
This term we will be holding Class Showcases to celebrate and share your daughter’s learning with you. Information about dates and times will be sent directly to you from your daughter’s class teacher. Semester 2 reports will be sent to families at the end of the school year.
We have all greatly missed the regular contact we enjoyed prior to COVID-19 restrictions, and we look forward to a calendar full of Loreto events in 2022. As always, if you have any feedback about the Junior School and Early Learning Centre, please do not hesitate to contact me at marika.snell@loreto.sa.edu.au
This term we warmly welcome three new students and their families to the Junior School - Everly Weekley and Hattie Barton have joined our Year 2 class and Alessia Antonino Year 6.
Ms Marika Snell
Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre
Outstanding AMEB Piano Exam Result
Congratulations to Mina Leroux-Gardiner in Year 2 for achieving a High Distinction in her Preliminary grade Percussion Comprehensive AMEB exam. Well done Mina!