From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

Farewell to Year 12

This week we celebrated Year 12 in many ways, starting on Sunday with the Loreto Old Scholars’ Association (LOSA) High Tea, this event marks an important transition from Loreto student to Loreto Old Scholar which comes with many networking benefits for the future. This was then followed on Thursday by our Year 12 Breakfast served by the teachers of Year 12, Graduation Mass, Awards Ceremony, and Rose Giving Ceremony. I know I say this every year, however, Rose Giving is one of the most beautiful ceremonies that I have ever witnessed in a school, the gratitude and love that is shown from the Year 11 girls to the Year 12 girls is not only special, but it also clearly represents the sense of sisterhood that is shared between the girls. In addition to this, Year 12 Boarding girls also celebrated a beautiful Boarders’ Graduation dinner with their families on Thursday night, which was prepared by our own Master Chef, Konrad. Finally, the Graduation Dinner which takes place on Friday night demonstrates the family connection that exists between parents, the dinner is paid for by funds raised through the Loreto Parents’ and Friends’ Association and dinner is served to Year 12 girls and their families by Year 11 parents and students. When we say welcome to our Loreto family, we actually mean it. 

Respectful Relationships

Last week we sent our community a video outlining the partnership between Loreto College and Rostrevor College with regard to respectful relationships. As a Principal this video makes me very proud. Not only does it tackle a contentious topic that is at times avoided but it also shows the power of student voice and advocacy. This student driven initiative has now instigated an important partnership between Loreto and Rostrevor to ensure we are educating our girls and boys on topics such as consent and what it means to have a respectful relationship. What a wonderful legacy that our outgoing Year 12 Student Leaders have left for the girls of Loreto. 


Please view the video here: 


Dr Nicole Archard
