2/3 UR - Term 4 Begins

Ms Rivas

It was the first week back from the holidays and the students in 2/3 UR returned to their online lessons with an eagerness to learn. They were excited to see their friends and teachers during their class Google Meets and join in activities. 

During class share time, the students expressed their favourite lessons and learning of the week. Many students expressed they enjoyed writing time, as they wrote imaginative narratives, about a magic genie and their three wishes. 

During Maths, students learnt how to identify the various coins, notes and symbols related to Australian money. 

They also took part in small reading groups, in which students had an opportunity to practise their fluency, comprehension skills and make connections to engaging texts. Students explained, however, that one of the most exciting parts of being back to remote learning were the brain breaks throughout the day. Students did 5 min stretches, deep breathing meditations and active mini workouts to keep their minds and bodies healthy during the remote lessons. It was a great start to term 4!


Here are a few reflections about our learning this week.

Aris: My story the ‘Magic Lamp’ was so fun to write. The main character was a tricky genie.

Anthony: I used many adjectives to describe the setting in my story.

Gracelyn: I really enjoyed the active brain breaks because we stretched and stayed active.

Chloe: Maths was very interesting to me because I now know how to count money when I go to the shops.


Ms Rivas