Farm Manager Report


This month we concentrates on the end of Term 3  Perth Royal Show excursion. The Royal Show begins with the Farmskills Competition which is an event between all WACoA Colleges and consists of twelve different competitions. Some of the events are, fencing, tractor driving, wool classing, first aid among others covering a wide range of skills, with points being allocated in each event. This year Denmark entered two teams made up from Year 12 and Year 11 groups. These team members were:


Year 12: Davin Jarvis, Josh Coole, Hamish Bowie, Macca Aird, Michael Cottle and Rori Skinner.

Year 11: Zoe Skinner, Hamish Mostert, Mitch Jones, Chontelle Bock, Jack James and Jesse Simpson.


Both teams did very well with the Year 12 team winning the fencing competition. Other achievements included placing first in the wool pressing, welding (Mig), welding (Arc), oxy acetylene steel cutting and tractor driving events. Students all enjoyed the activities and it was a great achievement with the Year 12 team being announced as Farmskills Runner Up. The Farm Skills teams travelled back to Denmark the day after the competition and the sheep and cattle students remained in Perth to begin the livestock events.

Farmskill Teams
Farmskill Teams

Royal Show Events

Sixteen cattle arrived at the grounds and were carefully ushered to their stalls without incident. The cattle lanes were decorated with shade cloth sails, some lights, flower arrangements and new Denmark banners. The lanes looked fantastic and were a real highlight for spectators to walk through and admire the animals and our students.

When the sheep arrived, Mr Shultz and his students settled them into their pens for their stay. The opening day of the show (Saturday) saw the major competition, Student Cattle Parading competition. This is where students are judged on how they handle and exhibit the animal for the overseeing judge. Denmark students dominated this event in every age group and were placed very highly in the finals taking out all the major ribbons. Well done to all students who participated. 

The Led Steers were judged the next day and the College received several qualifying ribbons but no major prizes which was a little disappointing. However, on the Monday at the cattle auction the buyers (Perth’s butchers) liked what they saw and paid excellent prices for the cattle. The steers sold at an average price of $2850 dollars each returning an average price per kilogram of $5.66/kg. This was very pleasing to receive such high prices and was a reward for preparing the cattle over the past few months.


Our students also competed in the State Finals of the Beef Parading and Beef Judging. It was very pleasing to have four Denmark students qualify in the top ten finalists and after a great verbal presentation from all competitors Zoe Skinner (Year 11) was placed third. Well done.


During the cattle events, the sheep team were also competing. The Corriedale rams were judged and received their ribbons and the College’s two teams of wool wethers were placed overall second in the AWI Wether Challenge. Well done to all the Sheep team. 

Congratulations to Staff and students involved. Thank you to Brad Seib, Garry Jones, David York, Roger Schulz, Megan Butt and Kier Mulder (residential carers) for an excellent show and event. And of course to our students:

Cattle Club: Rori Skinner, Zoe Skinner, Libby Miell, Riley Pes, Hamish Mostert, Kasey James, Ella Smith, Jorja Robbins, Travis Freegard, Tom O‘Farrell, Hayley Keam, Abby Kemp and Jack Kondakov.

Sheep Team: Davin Jarvis, Hamish Bowie, Michael Cottle, Jesse Simpson, Mitch Jones.


Kevin Marshall Farm Manager
Kevin Marshall Farm Manager