Student Services

Leavers Jackets 2022

Our ‘Leavers Jacket 2022 Committee’ are still working on their design, we hope to have something from them by the end of Week 4.  The plan is to have orders placed and paid for before the end of the 2021 year. 

Lost Property

The laundry has a large number of clothing items in their lost property.  We have tried various different ways for students to claim their items however the pile is not diminishing.  If you are at the College please take the time to speak with our laundry ladies and check the lost property for any clothing that your child may be missing.


Second hand uniforms are also available in the laundry.  Check with our laundry ladies if you need to change sizes of clothing before buying anything new.  We welcome donations of the College uniform (in good condition) as students leave the College.  

Going to School Isn't Always Easy

But it is worthwhile. The more you learn, the more opportunities you create...

The following links give students and their parents a chance to think about attendance, talk about it and reach out to school staff if they need support.

Tutoring & Homework Help

There is a Facebook group that you can join to access local tutor information.  Please contact the College if you would like more information regarding this.

School Psychologist

Bree Crocket is our Registered School Psychologist for 2021. Bree will be on campus on Thursday and every second Tuesday for students who would like to make an appointment.  Bree can help students with strategies for settling into boarding life, managing relationships, study habits and exam stress. We would like to encourage students to use this valuable service.  Parents can also contact Bree if they wish to do so.

Careers for School Leavers

The Australian Government National Career Institute hosts a School Leavers Information Service. Looking for more tailored career support or guidance? Are you aged between 15 and 24 years?

Information officers will help you:

Job Vacancies, Apprenticeships

Students can access CONNECT to see jobs on offer and apprenticeship intakes. Parents also have access to CONNECT. This is updated regularly