Head of Studies Report

The start of Term 4 has been productive with students and staff working diligently to meet deadlines. Overall we have had a positive year, with most students making good academic progress and have demonstrated increasing maturity and effective life skills. I have been pleased with our Year 12 students who have worked hard to complete assessment tasks and units of competency before leaving the College to progress into their next steps in life. We look forward to their return for the Graduation Ceremony on Friday 19th of November.

Year 11 ATAR Camp

Mark Spencer and Vicki Day along with the Year 11 ATAR students attended a combined WACoA campus trip to Perth to tour four universities and South Metro TAFE (Aquaculture facility) on Monday 25th October and Wednesday 27th of October.  This trip provided a great opportunity for our students to network with ATAR students from other WACoA sites and to explore their post-secondary courses and options. Students also learned study skills techniques with Lauren Phillips (Regional Program Facilitator – Curtin University) that will help with their ATAR program.


Year 11 ATAR students pictured in their Tucana oat fodder crop that was grazed during the season and has now been cut for silage. The oat variety is a mid-late flowering forage oats suitable for multiple grazing’s and silage production. 

RAC Road Safety Program

Year 11 students attended the RAC Road Safety Program on Wednesday, 27th October at the Albany Entertainment Centre. This event focused on driver and passenger behaviour and highlighted the far reaching effects of road crashes in regional communities. The program featured a crash re-enactment, which was filmed as a docudrama and showcased the response by real-life emergency services. Students heard from guest speakers who have been directly affected by road trauma. RAC Project Road Smart is supported by St John Ambulance, the Fire and Emergency Services, WA Police Force and Royal Perth Hospital.  Thank you to Brad Woodruff and Mark Boynton for supervising the students at the road safety program.

Year 10 Study Tour 

The study tour will take place from the 6th-10th of December staying at DARE Adventure Camp near Dwellingup. Tours will include visits to a number of agricultural and industrial enterprises between Denmark and Dwellingup, including Manjimup, Bunbury, Collie, Harvey and Mandurah. This will be a normal school week with the camp forming part of the school curriculum. 


This excursion aims to develop students understanding of the agricultural industry with visits to relevant enterprises and associated industries through the South-West of WA. Other non-agricultural recreational and team building activities are also planned for the tour. 


The cost will be $300 per student which will cover accommodation, DARE activities, meals and tours, with an optional activity  at DARE called Splatball, costing an extra $35 per person.


Proposed itinerary: 

Pemberton Freshwater Research Station & 

Trout Hatchery Tour

Dolphin & Scenic Marine Cruise
Manjimup Heritage Park & Giant PlaygroundTime Zone Bunbury
Harvey Beef Processing Plant TourGrand Cinema Bunbury
White Rocks Historic Farm TourLast Slice Pizza Night
C-Wise (Recycling Organic Carbon)Southern Ports Bunbury
TAFE Bunbury – Tour of Job Skills Centre/Career opportunities

Mandurah City Walk

Patane Produce (Horticulture)

Various Dare activities plus an optional activity  - Splatball 

Information will be sent out soon regarding the DARE camp activities, itinerary and a list of items to bring on the camp.   If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me on 9848 0200. Teaching staff are in the process of finalising the study tour information and consent forms will be sent home to parents and guardians. We ask that Parents/Guardians return the consent form with payment as soon as possible.

Year 12 ATAR Written Exams

A reminder that the Year 12 ATAR External Written Exams will take place at Denmark SHS and the exam timetable is as follows:

Tuesday 2nd November (9.20am start)


Wednesday 3rd November (9.20am start)


Thursday 4th November (9.20am start)

Animal Production Systems

Monday 8th November (9.20am start)

Plant Production Systems

Wednesday 10th November (9.20pm start)

Mathematics Applications

Students will need to be at the exam venue at least 30 minutes prior to the start time, therefore we will depart from the College Administration Building at 8.30am.


All ATAR students staying in the College residence will have free time during the exam period that includes the option of going into town, studying for the exam or relaxing in the College residence. We are confident that the students will make every effort to do well and aspire to achieve the results they deserve.

Year 11 ATAR Semester Two Exams

All exams will commence at 8.10am and finish at approximately 11.50am. In accordance with the WA College of Agriculture-Denmark Assessment Policy, all students studying ATAR courses must sit the exam on the day/time specified.  The only exception to this requirement will be if the student has a medical certificate from a doctor confirming that the student was too unwell to participate on the day. 


On completion of their exams students will have free time in the afternoon including the option of going into Denmark, studying for their next exam or relaxing in the College residence. Day students also have the option of returning home after their exam. The only exception to the above arrangements will be if teachers have requested extra exam revision sessions or return to normal classes after the Maths Applications exam on Wednesday 17th November. 


We really hope the students use their time wisely over the next two weeks revising and are well equipped to take on the exams. The exam timetable is as follows:


17th November

Maths Applications Please note return to normal classes after lunch.


23rd November



24th November

Plant Production Systems


25th November



26th November

Animal Production Systems

Additional revision sessions will be held for:


Tuesday 23rd November - period 5&6Plant Production Systems 

Tuesday 23rd November - period 7&8 

Wednesday 24th November - period 5&6.  


Wednesday 24th November - period 7&8 

Thursday 25th November - period 5&6

Animal Production Systems

Excursion - Karla Hart

Our Year 10 cohort visited the Denmark Senior High School with HASS teacher Shiralee Goodwill, to listen to Karla Hart, Indigenous Western Australian of the Year, talk about her life and work leading up to the West Australian of the Year awards. Karla is an award winning film-maker, writer, actor, and Noongar dancer and singer, among many other things. She spoke passionately about her film directing and producing experiences, and informed students about the many and varied opportunities in that industry. 


Born in Gnowangerup, Karla is proud of her heritage and passionate about Noongar culture, songs and stories. She explained to students some of the effects of racism on Indigenous people, and that she is making the most of opportunities not available to previous generations.

Karla Hart, Indigenous Western Australian of the Year
Karla Hart, Indigenous Western Australian of the Year

Karla highlighted the importance of a positive and conscientious attitude when carrying out any work that you do – as you never know who’s watching and what opportunities may arise.


Stuart Irwin A/Head of Studies
Stuart Irwin A/Head of Studies