A/Deputy Principal Report 

Graduation - Grooming Policy/Photographs

Our 2021 Graduation will take place on Friday 19 November. Year 12 students are required to wear their full school uniform and to arrive at the College at 9.30am.  We also require students to follow the College’s grooming and jewellery policy.  A professional photographer will be available from 9.30am for students and parents to have pre-graduation photographs taken. We remind parents that COVID restrictions are still in place and ask that they adhere to the required hygiene practices and social distancing. 

OLNA Results

The results of the second round of OLNA testing have been released and provided to students. An update of the OLNA results will be included in the Semester 2 Reports. Please remember that for those Year 11 students who are yet to achieve the “Category 3” benchmark in any of the components, will still have two more opportunities next year.

Certificate III Agriculture

The College is again providing the opportunity for Year 12 students to achieve a Certificate III in Agriculture in 2022. Darren Scahill (Agriculture Vet Coordinator), has outlined to interested Year 11 students the units of competency involved in the Cert. III and briefly how these units will be delivered at the College. Further information will be provided later in the term.


It is very important that students and parents are aware of the following:

  • Students must have completed the Cert. II Agriculture or be close to completion (16 competencies or more) before gaining entry to the Cert. III.
  • The priority must be to complete the remaining Cert. II competencies as soon as possible.
  • Much of the training and assessment for the Cert. III will occur during Farm Practice/Workplace Learning sessions.
  • Activities and assessments will involve far more research and written work than was the case with the Cert. II.
  • At times students will be required to attend theory sessions for the Cert III during prep time.
  • There is a significant practical and theoretical workload to complete a Cert. III in Agriculture.

It is also an excellent opportunity to develop higher-level skills and knowledge in agriculture and a Level 3 qualification. Sixteen students have indicated they are interested in completing this qualification over the coming 12 months. 


I ask parents of Year 11 students to discuss with their son/daughter their intentions with the Cert. III in Agriculture. If you require further information please contact me on 9848 0200. 

Year 10 & Year 11 Work Experience

A reminder that our current Year 10 students will complete a four day block of school-authorised work experience at the end of Term 4 (Monday 14th to Thursday 17th December). 


Year 11 Agricultural Studies students, with the exception of our Cert III in Agriculture students will be involved in a work experience programme during Week 7 of Term 4, the week following the College Year 12 Graduation. Year 11 ATAR students will be completing end of year exams during this time. 


If parents have any questions regarding these work experience blocks they should contact me at the College.

Year 10 & Year 11 Finish

Year 11 Agricultural Studies students will be on Work Experience during Week 7 while Year 11 ATAR students are completing their Semester 2 exams. Both Work Experience and Semester 2 exams finish on Friday November 26. 


The Year 10’s will finish their normal program at the College on Friday December 3.  They will be attending Study Tour during Week 9 and then complete a week of work experience in Week 10. 

2022 Learning Programme

Course selection forms were sent out to parents/guardians earlier this term. I understand some current Year 10 and 11 students are still undecided on subject selections for 2022. If parents/guardians require further information for course options, pathways, University entry or VET programmes, please contact me by email or telephone.


Amanda Gaunt A/Deputy Principal
Amanda Gaunt A/Deputy Principal