Weekly Wellbeing 

Things are Possible!  (Don’t’ forget to check out the links)

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of meeting online with the other 38 participants (and support staff) of the Certificate of Creating Wellbeing that I have been undertaking since June.  We had a showcase night where everyone presented their ‘Community Impact Projects.’ 

Initially when the project was launched I demonstrated a ‘fixed mindset’ and thought ‘how can we do Community Impact Projects during COVID?’  The answer is through having a growth mindset, collaborating with, and utilising the strengths of others, and through sheer grit and determination! 

By the end of the night, my ‘bucket’ was overflowing as person upon person and group upon group shared their projects.  Some involved creating a ‘Wellbeing Connector Guide’, others put together packs for schools to grow sunflowers in ‘Wellbeing gardens’, others worked with their staff teams to create a culture of wellbeing by having intentional wellbeing conversations informed by PERMAH, others made tailored bookmarks highlighting the strengths of their colleagues. The list goes on! 

Why do I share this you ask?  Because sometimes I think it is easy to focus on all of the things that we can’t do or all of the barriers that we have.  The experience in this group taught me that despite many barriers, lots of things are possible.  They might take different forms or require creative problem-solving, but they are possible!

If you are interested in continuing to learn more, feel free to check out the Communities of Wellbeing website.  I am a member and attend the meetings that are so very informative and inspiring. 

Heart warming

It has been so wonderful to see more and more children onsite this week. Their smiling faces and excited squeals have warmed my heart. The other thing that has warmed my heart is reflecting on their amazing resilience. Despite the many challenges of this year, they have done it. They have transitioned back to school and are ok! 

I look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday. If you or your child are worried about their transition back to full time onsite learning, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or Carol Wyatt for support. 

Until next time,

Julie Reid, on behalf of the Wellbeing Team