Performing Arts News 

Theatre Writing Internship 2021/2022 

Over my time in Theatre Studies at Nossal, I’ve been provided with manifold opportunities to both improve my skills in the arts and to make connections in the professional field. The most recent of these, and probably the most exciting, is my recent acceptance into the Monologue Collective (previously the Monologue Project). This program is a a year-long writing course, designed to help me and others produce a monologue with the help of experts in the field. I initially applied because writing for theatre was something that I have often thought about and never really acted on, and it seemed like a great way to push me out of my comfort zone. Laneikka Denne, acclaimed playwright and creator of the Monologue Collective, was extremely helpful and encouraging about my work, providing me with valuable insight on my character and her emotional journey. I then had to do an interview, in which I really came to grips with what I wanted to express and comment on in my writing. A rather tense period of waiting followed, but eventually Laneikka sent me an official e-mail of acceptance. The program begins in November, and I’m so excited I can hardly wait. Not only do I get the chance to meet other like-minded people and talk to them about the stuff I love, but at the end of it all an actual actor is going to perform something I’ve written at the Kings Cross Theatre in Sydney! There’s a whole new world opening up for me, and I can’t wait to be a part of it.  




Lola Sargasso - Recipient

Year 11