NEST News 

NEST Winter Photography Competition 

After an overwhelming number of high-quality submissions, we finally decided on three incredible photos from the students and one from the staff as our winners. 


Congratulations and many thanks 

The Photography Competition Committee



On Wednesday 1st September, a group of 20 Nossal students were lucky enough to be invited to the Melbourne High Environmental Summit, organised by their student-led team EAG (Environmental Action Group).  

It was a great opportunity for us to not only socialize online with like-minded students from other selective schools but have fun. The main task was for us to work collaboratively and follow a logical and structured process to create a business idea that would tackle an existing environmental crisis. Afterwards, a judging panel critically reviewed each group’s business presentation, and the winning groups were awarded prizes. 


In the end, it was a fun and engaging event, and we appreciate the Nossal students who sacrificed their Wednesday afternoon and participated so diligently! 


Hamza Ahmed

Year 11