From the Religious 


November is traditionally the month in which the Church remembers Her dead, and in a special way we are invited to remember our family, friends and loved ones who have died, especially those who have passed in the last twelve months.

The Month of Remembrance commences on 1 November with All Saints Day. This is then followed on 2 November by All Souls Day, where we remember and pray for the dead.

We invite you to record the names of your family, friends and loved ones who have passed, so that as a community we might remember them in our prayers.

Please enter the details of your loved ones below. These thoughts and prayers will be recorded in our online Book of Remembrance.

Gift of Goodness Fundraiser 

On Friday the 5th November, please encourage your child to wear all the colours of the rainbow and bring in a gold coin to donate to the Gift of Goodness. This organisation provides fresh food hampers to families in need, as well as vital support services to help them through hard times. Right now there are many Sydney families who are struggling and are in need of help, more than ever before. A Gift of Goodness will show them they are not alone.  

Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Remembrance Day

On the 11th of November at 11 am we remember those who have died in war.  

On Remembrance Day we pause to remember the sacrifice of those men and women who have died or suffered in wars and conflicts and all those who have served protecting our country and other countries during the past 100 years. 

It would be wonderful if you could please share a photo of loved ones who have served so I can add it to our Remembrance Day video. Please email it to me

A special bicentennial memento from 

Archbishop Anthony Fisher

71,000 students across Sydney Catholic Schools will receive a special memento from Archbishop Anthony Fisher to mark the 200th anniversary of Catholic education in Australia. Also, it will serve as an ongoing reminder of the presence of God, now and throughout their lives. 


Please click the link to access this fortnight's Spiritual Wellbeing Newsletter, 

Edition no. 5.

Christmas Story Art Exhibition and Competition

Due to COVID regulations, the Mission and Identity team postponed the due date. This will allow the students a little more time to complete their scripture reflection and artwork.  It would be wonderful, if you could please return your scripture reflection and artwork to school before Monday the 8th of November. This will give me some time to take photos and submit the entries before Thursday the 11th November. 

Please access the PDF attached to read the most recent information.  

Thank you for your ongoing support.