From the Chaplain

Rev. Dr Rosalie Clarke

Greetings to KWS families


Welcome back to the final term of the year – it is hard to believe that we are in the final months of 2021! I hope you can do some planning for end of year holidays – and are excited about the chance to travel a little to see family and friends.


In one of the bible readings this week, Jesus claims that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich person to enter the kingdom of God! I have always found this a difficult text to accept – especially for us who live in a prosperous nation. The idea of the ‘kingdom of God’ has often been reduced to a Heaven and Hell scenario after we die. But Jesus’s words can equally be interpreted as the ‘reign of God’ on earth now - ushered in by Jesus’s resurrection. I prefer to interpret it as the opportunity for us to participate in what we know now, on this planet, to build a community of goodness. Jesus cared for those who were sick, unwell, and socially disadvantaged. Through his life, teaching and works, Jesus illustrated a new way of being in relationship with God, ourselves, and others. 

Artwork: Composite Camel with Attendant, Metropolitan Museum of Art, ca 1550-1575
Artwork: Composite Camel with Attendant, Metropolitan Museum of Art, ca 1550-1575


This announcement by Jesus is to remind us that we need to be aware of everyone we share our lives with – even those we may not socialize with but who are affected by our attitudes to power and wealth. It reminds us to be generous.


May God give us the inclination to live and work for the good of all as much as we are able.


Many blessings,
