Junior School Sport 

Mr Tim Jones, Junior School Sport Co-ordinator

It was wonderful to see children back on the sports field this week as part of our PE and PE skills lessons during the school day. There was a real buzz and excitement among all the Year 2-6 children as they participated in either basketball, cricket, or touch football skills. Although after school sport is currently not permitted, this curriculum adjustment means our competitive sports teams can still work together in their year groups, with their coaches, and will be ready to join the local competitions as soon as community sport is given the green light. We are in frequent communication with the local touch football, basketball and cricket associations and as information comes to hand, we will keep families informed. 


Considerable thought has gone into our sport program for Term 4 and leading into Term 1 in 2022 to provide a range of options for our students across competition, skills and fitness options. The Junior School staff have worked on dedicated coaching programs for each of the three sports currently on offer as we continue to work with the Level 3 Guidelines as outlined by NSW Health. I am hugely grateful for the contribution of all staff to our enhanced PE program at this time. I am sure the children loved being back out playing school sport again with their peers. We will continue to follow guidelines from health authorities and look forward to the resumption of competitive sport soon.