Senior School News

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Science Week Winners

Science Week this year was the 14-20th August which unfortunately was the first week of lockdown. The theme was food so a Science Food quiz was developed for students to attempt if they wanted to. There were 25 questions for them to complete within 20 minutes with the top two students from each year winning a block of chocolate as a prize. Approximately 70 students from across all years attempted the quiz. 


Winners are:

Year 7 – Olive Quigley and Hugh Shannon

Year 8 – Annabelle van Wyk and Sala Orme-Smith

Year 9 – Sandy Robb and George Wakem

Year 10 – Stephanie Wong and Georgia Mudford

Year 11 – Bridget Ritter and Oliver Adams

Year 12 – Stanley Zhang and George Cumming

Learning through Minecraft Education 

Last term Year 9 Latin students were challenged to create a Roman building in Minecraft for their assessment task. The aim was for students to produce an accurate representation of the architecture with attention to detail. In addition, students were tasked with recording a short video explaining the purpose of their chosen buildings in Ancient Roman culture. The Year 9 Latin cohort excelled in this task, producing a high standard of work which they should each be proud of. Well done Year 9! 

Jemima McLeod’s Roman villa
Georgia Williams’ Roman theatre
Zoe Bird’s Temple of Augustus
Helen Suthers’ Roman villa
Helen Suthers’ Roman villa
Wendy Ou-Yang’s Roman temple
Hugo Reynolds’ Roman Temple
Thomas McRae’s Amphitheatre
Alice Wilson’s Roman baths
Wendy Ou-Yang’s Roman temple
Thomas McRae’s Amphitheatre
Jemima McLeod’s Roman villa
Georgia Williams’ Roman theatre
Zoe Bird’s Temple of Augustus
Helen Suthers’ Roman villa
Helen Suthers’ Roman villa
Wendy Ou-Yang’s Roman temple
Hugo Reynolds’ Roman Temple
Thomas McRae’s Amphitheatre
Alice Wilson’s Roman baths
Wendy Ou-Yang’s Roman temple
Thomas McRae’s Amphitheatre