From the Principal 

Our Vision

Each child has a gift or talent. It is our job to find it and to show it to them.

Our Mission

Identify the talent, develop the confidence and create the leader.


 What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?

Dear Parents and Carers,


Term 3 Reflection

Despite the winter impact of influenza and COVID, we managed to maintain school operations, even with significant staff and student absences. Term 3 was full of fun and activity. The Woorabinda camp; Athletics Day; Twisted Science excursion; Father's Day Stall; Book Week and Character Dress Up Day; Auntie Katrina's Aboriginal Cultural Experience; The Shark Tank Project; Fundraising Drives; Cheltenham Secondary College's Grease Musical; Teacher Professional Practice Days; Special Lunch Order Days; Footy Day; Footsteps Dance Program; 100 Days of School celebration for our Foundation students; Chloe's Birthday Celebration and introduction to Chess Club were some of the highlights. Thank you for your ongoing support and generosity.


Student Lighthouse Team

The students have been working to prioritise the purchase of outdoor resources for their pleasure. The team surveyed students across the school, to assist with the prioritisation. New asphalt lining of game areas e.g. four-squares courts, giant Snakes and Ladders and chess boards etc. The S.L.T. will present their list to the School Council at the October meeting. The expenditure will be 100% supported by funds raised by the Social and Fundraising Sub-committee.



Leadership is the umbrella term to encompass the many character traits and basic life competencies that parents, business leaders, and educators are voicing as the desired skills necessary to thrive in the 21st century. Leadership is a concept we don’t normally consider when thinking of young children. However, young children are very capable of learning leadership skills and using them at home and at school. By developing well-rounded children who know their strengths, we help them to unleash their potential to lead their own lives and to influence others. 


Habits 1-3: Be Proactive, Begin With the end in Mind, and Put First Things First

Skills embedded in these habits are: time-management, planning, and goal-setting.


Habit 4-6: Think Win-Win; Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood; and Synergise

Skills embedded in these habits are: conflict resolution, listening, creativity, and teamwork.


Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw

Skills embedded in this habit are: Finding the balance by taking care of body, brain, hearth, and soul.


Kinder to Foundation Transition 

The transition program is productive and supportive of our 2023 Foundation students. Narelle Diggins and Olivia Pinzone are facilitating a comprehensive experience. There are a number of sessions and parent-teacher meetings ahead in Term 4. 2023 Foundation enrolments should be lodged at this point for 2023 workforce planning. 


Sun Smart Term 4

In term 1 and 4 all students are required to wear sunhats outside during school hours.


Classroom Cuisine (Online Ordering) – Mondays and Fridays

The Classroom Cuisine Lunch Order service offers a Monday and Friday service. Orders must be completed before 8.30 am on the day. 


Heather Gillott

Our Business Manager Heather will continue personal leave in Term 4. We miss her daily and we wish her well.


Long Service Leave

I will be on leave for the first two weeks of Term 4. Courtney Mason will be acting Principal. Courtney is an invaluable asset to the Le Page Primary School community. We are so fortunate to have her experience, expertise, empathy, inspiration and leadership.


Thought for the Week 

The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. – Helen Keller