Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell

RUOK? Day Thurs 8th September

Last Thursday we ran an awareness campaign for RUOK? Day. RUOK? is a national charity dedicated to inspiring all of us to have regular, meaningful conversations to support anyone going through a difficult time. The students got into the spirit of the day, they participated in activities, and colouring in sheets asking the question, RUOK?  They also practiced asking their friends if they R OK and they learnt about lending an ear to those who need it.

Health Alert-Chicken Pox 

Last week we had cases of chicken pox in the junior and middle school. The symptoms of chickenpox can include: 

  • Low-grade fever. 
  • General discomfort, illness or lack of well being (malaise).
  • Intensely itchy skin rash – appears as small blisters surrounded by irregularly- shaped patches of inflamed skin. The blisters first form on the body and later on the head and limbs. They usually burst and develop crusts after about five days. 
  • Ulcers may develop in certain areas, including the mouth and genitals. 

For schools and children’s services centre exclusions do apply. For chickenpox, the time from infection to the appearance of the rash (incubation period) is around 14 to 16 days. A few days before the appearance of the rash, the person may feel feverish and have a sore throat and headache. The skin may be marked for some months after the rash has cleared. Any student with a case of Chicken Pox is to remain at home until all the blisters have dried up, possibly 5 days after the rash appears. 


For more information, please go the Royal Children’s Hospital website or



Head Lice 

This past fortnight I have had two cases of live head lice in the school. Please take advantage of the school holidays and check your children’s hair. Hopefully, we can get on top of it before Term 4 starts. 

Second hand uniform Sale  

During Term 3, we managed to raise almost $400.00 from our second hand uniform sales. Thank you all so much, we have purchased Lego to run social skills groups and the students are thrilled with our new purchases. We appreciate donations of school uniform in good condition so please keep those bags coming. If you are looking to buy uniform, please speak to me or the office and we can organise the clothing. Parents and carers can purchase items from $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00. Once we receive more donations after the holidays we will organise another sale early next term. Thanks again!

Gr 5/6 LEGO Club

On Thursday afternoons, I have had a group of Grade 5/6 students helping me organise our Lego for our very own Lego Masters. I must say while it has been a painful job sorting all the Lego into categories we have had  fun along the way! Next term we are aiming to run some competitions with our middle and junior grades. 

Lost Property-Alcove Area near the Staffroom 

Now that we have hit some warmer weather, our lost property is overflowing in the Alcove area. We have a large amount of unclaimed jumpers, lunchboxes and drink bottles.  Please pop in and take a look! For students whose property is clearly marked we will do our best to deliver them to the classrooms just in time for the holidays. 

Community Pantry Hall Foyer Open Monday & Tuesday - 2:30pm 

2022 Free Happy Families Membership

 Here is a quick tip video from Dr Justin Coulson around dealing with screen time.   If you found this tip useful and would like to see more of Justin's parenting tips and strategies, don't forget that our school is subscribed to Dr Justin Coulson's Happy Families School Membership. 

The membership offers monthly live webinars and with Justin, quick tip videos, weekly inspirational emails and the video library which is the full back catalogue of all of Justin's parenting webinars from Little People, Big Feelings and Building Resilience to webinars on raising teenage girls and teenage boys and A Parent's Guide to Raising an ADHD Child, and many many more.  All of these resources are based on positive psychology methodologies to support children and get them to thrive. If you are yet to sign up, please do so here

School Holiday Art Program 

Bec Filliponi is an accredited Mental Health Social Worker is offering a school holiday Art Program where children from ages 6-12 can learn to express and regulate big feelings through Art.  See the flyers attached. 

All bookings are made through website at https://beaconis.com.au/shop/


All The Feels Therapeutic Art Program: for children aged 6 - 12 years. September 27th and 28th. 


Neurodiverse Inclusion Training: Trauma and neuro diverse training for professionals in all sectors, supporting people of all ages.


Build a Book Workshops:  Author Bec Filliponi and Illustrator Julie Gebbing will teach writing and illustrating strategies and support the group to create a book together that will be professionally printed. This will be available for purchase, as a fundraiser for your school or organisation. 


All The Feels - Relationships Program: To explore and increase understanding of respectful relationships and managing stress.


Family Wellness Session: Support for parents and children to understand children's big emotions and regulate these in a safer and more sustainable way.


Children's therapeutic storybooks, activity books and art activities

Learning Never Stops

During the holidays keep in mind that everyday activities can be fun learning opportunities. Pretending, creating and helping allows your child to discover new things.

  • Let your child’s imagination run wild! Encourage them to play dress ups or pretend to be a favourite character. Ask them tell you about it! 
  • What meals can you and your child prepare together? Cooking teaches about healthy food, numbers and measurement, science, sharing and new words. 
  • Read with your child every chance you get, words are everywhere! Talk about signs, food labels, and always keep a book handy. Encourage your child to draw or tell stories about things that they see around them.
Enjoy your break
Enjoy your break

Have a fantastic break and we look forward to seeing you around the school.