Fair on the Hill

Saturday 5th November 2022

How you can help . . .


Sponsorship - if you, or anyone you know, might be interested in sponsoring our Fair on the Hill, via cash or goods donations, please contact Melinda, Allan (acantsilieris@gmail.com), Mario or Mr Torpey (at the school office). We are certainly happy to promote any businesses leading up the the Fair on the Hill and on the day.


We welcome you to join . . .

Mulgrave Country Club, Freedom Furniture, Little Mavros, Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre, Hawthorn Football Club, 


Thanks to those who have already come forward to take on the lead of many of the stalls. They include:

  • Bar - licensing, purchasing, RSA, set up, pack up, etc - thanks Scott E and Friends (Levi - P) for offering to coordinate the Bar
  • Plant Stall - arranging stock (maybe engaging the students to help with seedlings) - thanks Margo (Parishioner) and  arish Youth Group for taking this on.
  • Fruit and Veggie Stall - Narelle R (Joel Yr 4, Nathan Yr 1) - thank you
  • BBQ / Hot Dogs and Chips - Thanks Kal B (Druv - Yr 5, Kiara Yr 3), Tony D (Thomas Yr 6, Lachlin Yr 3) for taking this on.
  • Frozen Cones / Popcorn / Fairy Floss - Thanks Tiffany K (Oliver Yr 3, William Yr 1), Emma H (Romulas Yr 1) for coordinating this.
  • Pizzas - using the school wood fired pizza oven to cook and sell pizzas - thanks Tom K - (Luca Yr 6), Daniel C (Clare Yr4, Orlando Yr 1) for taking this on.
  • Spinning Wheel / Hamper and Raffles - thanks Peter R (Georgia (Yr 4, Xavier Yr 2) for taking this on.
  • Second Hand Book Stall - thanks Rita (Sienna Yr4)
  • Student Stalls - thanks Mrs Slonim (Yr 6) and Laura F (Luca Yr 1)
  • Rides - Alan C (Gab Yr 3)
  • Minor Games - Nick I (Ayla Yr5, Harrison Yr4, Thomas Prep)
  • Entertainment - Albert (guitar teacher) but we would like someone else.
  • Infrastructure - thanks Marc J (Patrick Yr 2) and Tony D (Thomas Yr 6, Lachlin Yr 3)
  • Marketing - thanks Anne A (Lexi Yr6) - but we would love some others to help.
  • Cake Stall - Thanks Sandra G (Nicholas Yr 6, Lily 4) Melinda (Ayla Yr5, Harrison Yr4, Thomas Prep)

Volunteers - we need someone (or a team) to coordinate and register the volunteers and ensure that Covid guidelines are followed.


In the past, this has been a wonderful community event, made possible by the wonderful people of the St Justin's community. It can only happen if we all get behind the committee and offer our assistance in some capacity. Whilst we know that many will help out on the day, we really need people (or teams of people) now to take the lead and offer to coordinate the many stalls we hope to have on offer. We also need help with marketing, sponsorship, entertainment, infrastructure and coordinating the volunteers. 


If you can help in any way, please let us know - you don't have to come to every meeting - just keep us up to date with what's going on. 


We have our next meeting on Tuesday 16th August at 7:30pm in the School Staff Room.


As always, your support is greatly appreciated.


For those who haven't experienced our amazing Fair on the Hill before, please feel free to flick through the photo reel below.