Fern House

Hello everybody, my name is Hussain, I am in Fern House and I'm the Year 9 SRC for 2022. During my time in Dandenong high school, I have always looked onto amazing student leaders and was lucky enough to be a part of the SRC in 2022. In my time I had some challenges which made me stronger as a person and really showed me what I can be and do. This was a great opportunity for me to test my skill and work on my weakness. The support of the teacher’s was amazing and any time I needed assistance with anything I could go as ask for help. All and all I am very happy to be the Fern house SRC for 2022 and I am proud of the work that I have put into becoming a better leader.
Some of the highlights this year were being able to be back from lockdown and be back full time in school. Also, lunch time clubs in the Fern house, where students could come and join to catch up with studies or play games. This got the Fern house students reconnected back together and it was great to see other students and get to meet them.
One of the other highlights this term was the music that was played in front of the Fern house that got the attention of everybody around the school and anyone was welcome to join and listen. The year has gone very fast and some of the things I look forward to would be the end of the year activities which are Gumbuya world and Minigolf. I am so excited to spend the rest of the year with my friends and finish this year on a positive note. This year was an amazing year, and I learned a lot from myself, and I can’t wait for many more!
Hussain S, F09