Eucalyptus House

Hello Eucalyptians and other readers!
Year 7’s are having loads of fun doing creative writing for English! From poems to narratives, creative writing can be used to express anything by anyone! A number of students across the year levels participated in a colouring competition in awareness of student health and wellbeing. Three fantastic winners were identified.
As the weather gets warmer and the school year is sadly nearly over, we have said goodbye to our beloved Year 10’s and Year 11’s who will be our new Year 12’s next year. How exhilarating!
We congratulated many students at our recent Awards night. Well done to the large number of Eucalyptians who were presented with academic excellence, subject, sporting and special category awards. Mention must go to Linda H. who received the Year 7 Dux Award and Elena S., the Year 10 Dux Award.
We wish you all an amazing and fun summer holidays! Remember to put sunscreen on and stay safe!
Madina M, E11