Faith and Mission
John Rhynehart- Acting Director of Faith and Mission
Faith and Mission
John Rhynehart- Acting Director of Faith and Mission
Recently our Year 10 students attended their annual Reflection Day. It was time for the students to enter into conversation and contemplation about their role in the world: at home, at school, at work or simply with friends. There was a specific focus on service. The questions posed were, what can I do for others, no matter how minimal? How can I reach out to the marginalised and those in great need? What role can I play in easing the plight of others?
It would be a wonderful thing to discuss these questions with your young people. Perhaps your son or daughter has a specific group in mind or a particular role he or she would like to embark upon. Either way, whether it’s with you or with their R.E. teachers, students will have the opportunity to discuss further their responses to the Reflection Day questions and how, through their Christian attitude of Taking The Way Of The Gospel and through their careful consideration of taking care of the “lost, the least and the last,” they can make the world a much better place.
In the meantime, let’s pray for our young people and for all those who need our prayers at this time:
God of life and love
You give us the gifts we need to reach out to those on the peripheries.
Help us to see the need and not walk past but to do: assist, help and pray.
Keep us ever faithful to your Gospel Values and to the teaching of Christ.
Bless us. Keep us in your care.
Bless the lost, the least and the last. Keep them in your care.
We ask this prayer through Jesus, the Lord.