School News

Orbis - Instructional Leadership

Last Monday and Tuesday the Leadership Team (Cassie, Rosemary, Mike and Tyson) participated in the first two days of the new Orbis Instructional Leadership course.  Orbis is the Department of Educations new professional learning platform to help develop a world class education system. 


Orbis delivers exemplary professional learning for South Australian educators. Our system wants to help grow professional practice to improve the education of all learners.


We will participate in  9 face-to-face days over 3 terms. We will be  working with educational experts from the University of Melbourne, Department for Education leadership advisors, Education Directors and other Principals. The program has been co-designed as a world class educational leadership program that  fits to the South Australian context.  Co-design has ensured the program supports the strategic direction of the department, whilst remaining relevant to participants through site based activities and the use of school specific data.


On the first two days we had the privilege of working with world renown educational researcher Laureate Professor John Hattie.  Please see the following link for information regarding Laureate Professor John Hattie. Professor Hattie led us through:

  • What is meta-analysis? Evidence for learning and teaching, collective efficacy
  • Understanding effect sizes, measuring progress, visible classrooms

Professor Hattie was inspirational and highly engaging. Learning from these two days will be incorporated into leading our Site Improvement Plan goals and future improvement agendas. Please see the video below from Professor Hattie talking about Orbis.


In follow up the Leadership Team will be preparing a short presentation for the next two days about our Site Improvement Plan journey. 


This is a wonderful opportunity to continue refining our improvement agenda to  ensure growth for all learners.



Student Free Day

Governing Council has approved our second Student Free Day for 2020 on Monday 4th May.  Staff will be inquiring further into our Site Improvement Plan goals. This will specifically be focused on Reading to Writing - Joining the dots and implementation into teaching and learning.

Sports Day Captains

Congratulations to our Sports Day Captains for 2020...

Jonie, Skyla, Daniel and Danilo

Deacon, Gabi, Layla and Maja

Ella, Keelee, D'Arcie, Ricky and Nicolas

Jed, Alexi, Crystal and Natalija