
R U OK? Day


Thursday 8th September 2022 is R U OK? Day. It’s the national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to  ask ‘are you ok?’, and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.


For our students in the younger years it can be about learning to notice different emotions in themselves or how to identify when others are experiencing feelings and may not be ok.


For our older students R U OK? Day can remind us the importance of being a friend that listens actively, for example: when a friend is upset, the topic is too hard or complex, or when they talk about a topic that you are not interested in. Listening doesn’t always mean solving a problem they're speaking about, but rather giving them your attention and listening without judgement.


Students are welcome to wear a splash of yellow such as a headband, hair tie, ribbon or wristband to show your support on the day.


Camilla McLeod
