Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell

Positive Psychology

As part of our student well being program, we embrace the ideas and practices of Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology focuses on the strengths, virtues, beneficial conditions and processes that contribute to well being and thriving.


Positive education also works on the principle that the skills and mindsets that promote positive emotions, positive relationships and character strengths, also promote learning and academic success. Research suggests that there are two significant things that help us develop positive emotions: gratitude and performing acts of kindness.


People who are grateful, who feel and express gratitude on a regular basis, tend to be happier and more resilient. Also, performing small acts of kindness each day makes you feel good. When you feel good, you are better at helping and looking after other people, which helps creates more positive emotion.


Parent Chat: Safety/Stranger Danger

We have many students walking to and from school and we would like all parents to talk to children about ‘Stranger Danger’ and how to stay safe. It is never too young to open communication with children and share these messages. Reinforce who they can talk to at home and school. Being safe with people children know is also very important. Staying safe includes not talking to people you don’t know, not touching syringes or dangerous items, not going in a car you are unsure of, crossing roads safely, wearing a helmet if on a bike or scooter or feeling uncomfortable in a situation. Please also remind children to tell an adult if they feel unsafe or have something they need to tell someone.


Annual National Disability Data Collection

Every August schools across the country provide data to the Australian Government. More specifically, the Australian Government collects statistics about students with disability and only those students who meet the broad definition of 'disability' under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Simply put, we look at the students whose disability has a functional impact on their schooling, and those students are eligible for data collection.


The main reason is the legislation to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Under this law, students with disability have the right to take part in their education, just like all other students, and schools may need to make changes to support students with disability. These types of changes are called adjustments. Schools must make adjustments that are reasonable, and these adjustments are balanced and fair. 


Some examples of reasonable adjustments for some students and schools include:

  • providing school work in more than one way – such as large print, Braille or audio information
  • extra time to complete work
  • small group or one to one learning support
  • help with getting around the school

Better information about school students with disability helps parents, guardians and carers, teachers, education authorities and the government to gain a more complete understanding of students who are receiving adjustments because of disability, and how to best support them to take part in schooling on the same basis as other students. For parents who are interested or you have any questions please speak to me. 

Personal Hygiene 

Hopefully we are coming to the end of the cold and flu season. It’s still important to keep reminding children about washing their hands. Kids are often too busy to value practising and it’s important to continue to remind them to always wash their hands before eating or preparing food, after going to the toilet or playing, and after touching animals or dirty objects. Regular baths or showers will help keep your child clean and healthy. Bathing at the end of the day can also be fun part of the bedtime routine. 

Health Alert-Impetigo “School Sores”

A student in grade 1/2 has been diagnosed with Impetigo which is commonly known as school sores. If you have not heard of it, Impetigo is a contagious skin infection seen mostly in children, but it may occur at any age. The infection may present with mild irritating blisters that become pustular and erode rapidly, leaving a honey-coloured crust. Cases are treated with an appropriate antibiotic.


For primary schools and children’s services centre exclusions do apply. Children must stay home until 24 hours after starting medical treatment. After this time, they can be around other children again, but cover up their sores completely with dressings. For more information please go to-https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Impetigo_school_sores/

Head Lice 

This week, I’ve had one case of live head lice in the school. We continue to ask parents to work with us to keep our reports low and to continue to treat and monitor your children’s hair. Please notify the office or tell your child’s teacher when you treat your child so lice alert notes can issued on COMPASS.  Reminder-any child found with live lice will be excluded from school until they are treated. 

Second hand uniform Sale  

The kids just keep on growing! I am planning to run our next after school sale during the last week of term. To date, the money raised has gone towards purchasing Lego for our social skills groups. I managed to buy 14 kilos of pre-loved Lego and my Grade 5/6 students have been busy helping me organise it.  We appreciate donations of school uniform in good condition so please keep those bags coming. If you are looking to buy uniform, please speak to me or the office and we can organise the clothing. Parents and carers can purchase items from $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00.

Lost Property-Alcove Area near the staff room 

Thank you parents for coming in to find lost jumpers. All lost property is located in the alcove space near the staffroom.   We have a large amount of unclaimed I’ve noticed many items have student’s initials written on them. It does makes it challenging for staff when we are looking or lost jumpers on the behalf of parents.  Please check that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled so it can be returned promptly.   


Talk to your child to increase their personal organisation of their belongings and the steps needed to ensure successful completion of this. Remember, Jeanette our school chaplain, Lily and myself can help out with spare uniform. 

Community Pantry Hall Foyer Open Monday & Tuesday 2:30pm 


It’s been fantastic that the word is out about our community pantry. On Monday we had a delivery and we have plenty of fruit, cereals and soup. Also, we have received donations of pantry items including some snack foods. It can be irritating when families buy snacks and then children refuse to eat them. We are happy to supplement our Welfare snacks so thank you families!  For families interested in donating, please do.  Also, please watch out for the notifications for extra opening times. 


All families will need to do is bring their own bags.  If you know someone going through a rough patch please reach out and let the Wellbeing Team know.  There is no charge and we are thrilled that we can extend this support to our Woori community. 

Breakfast Club Every Monday & Tuesday 8:15am-8:45am 

Breakfast Club is up and running every Monday and Tuesday. Please try to drop your child off by 8:30am to avoid disappointment, Breakfast Club must close at 8:45am in order for the classrooms to start. 


We have made some changes to help our students and parents remain COVID safe while breakfast is served. We are offering al fresco dining experience where we are serving breakfast in the undercover area next to the German room. The children will eat their breakfast and then they will put their dirty dishes into tubs for washing up.   We are offering toast, fruit cups, milk prima packs, hot baked beans and spaghetti. 


It has been great seeing children eating toast and drinking milk packs on their way to class. 


We have apples, oranges, pears and carrots in the canteen fridge and the classrooms are encouraged to fill up their bowls as needed.  We can cater for food allergies including lactose and gluten free items. 

State School Relief

We can help families who are experiencing financial hardship to purchase school uniform.  Please see the Wellbeing Team for assistance. 

Attendance & Absences

We encourage parents and carers to refer to COMPASS for information happening at school. Schools are required to work towards IMPROVING THE ATTENDANCE and PUNCTUALITY RATES of our students. We encourage all parents to call the office when your child is going to be away and to notify the school through COMPASS. This really helps us as we are able to communicate effectively with all relevant staff early in the school day.


Craft Club at Lunchtimes in German Room

1:40pm Monday & Wednesday Junior School 

1:40pm Tuesday  & Thursday Middle/Senior School 

Chess Club-Tuesdays at Lunch Time


From Monday through to Thursday, students can find us in the German room making a range of different craft including pom pom making, plaiting friendship bracelets, weaving cat’s eyes, pipe cleaner craft, finger and French knitting. Also, Christmas has come early and we have started making Christmas craft. The children are always keen to make new things and now we are working on skills such as not rushing, patience and packing up on time. They have noticed that the quality of their pieces has improved and they are feeling more satisfied now they are getting better results.  Our older students come along on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we are working on similar projects but with more complex techniques aimed  elevate their craft. 


Don’t forget, Chess Club is also happening every Tuesday at lunch time. 

We are still looking for donations of wool and other haberdashery items including ribbon, embellishments, buttons and charms or anything that can add a bit of bling to our projects.  All extra pairs of hands are welcome, if you are interested in helping please let me know. 


Currently, I am running small groups of LEGO Club and more students are eager to join. LEGO building supports social skills and strengthens friendships skills.  In order to offer a lunchtime club we are in need of more LEGO materials. If you know anyone who may be willing to donate LEGO please see me. 

Playgroup at Woori Yallock Community House

For parents interested in joining playgroup our local Woori Yallock Community House is running a program on Monday mornings from 10am-11:30am.  There is an eligibility criteria so parents need to register at-Yarra Ranges Supported Playgroups Ph: 1300 368 333

Indigenous Literacy Day-7th of September 

Since 2004, Indigenous Literacy Day has been celebrated on the first Wednesday of September. This day highlights the difficulties faced by Indigenous Australians and advocates equality. Education and literacy are some of the most prominent challenges faced by Indigenous Australian, for example, large literacy gaps between Indigenous children and non-Indigenous children. 


At Woori we are keen to share, listen and connect to strengthening Koorie culture in school. Our students enjoy learning about the oldest culture on the planet and we are driven to change the culture in education from the last generation. 

2022 Free Happy Families Membership


 Here is a quick tip video from Dr Justin Coulson around dealing with screen time.   If you found this tip useful and would like to see more of Justin's parenting tips and strategies, don't forget that our school is subscribed to Dr Justin Coulson's Happy Families School Membership. 


The membership offers monthly live webinars and with Justin, quick tip videos, weekly inspirational emails and the video library which is the full back catalogue of all of Justin's parenting webinars from Little People, Big Feelings and Building Resilience to webinars on raising teenage girls and teenage boys and A Parent's Guide to Raising an ADHD Child, and many many more.  All of these resources are based on positive psychology methodologies to support children and get them to thrive. If you are yet to sign up, please do so here

School Holiday Art Program 

Bec Fillponi is an accredited Mental Health Social Worker is offering a school holiday Art Program where children from ages 6-12 can learn to express and regulate big feelings through Art.  See the flyers attached. 

All bookings are made through website at : https://beaconis.com.au/shop/


All The Feels Therapeutic Art Program: for children aged 6 - 12 years. September 27th and 28th. 


Neurodiverse Inclusion Training: Trauma and neuro diverse training for professionals in all sectors, supporting people of all ages.


Build a Book Workshops:  Author Bec Filliponi and Illustrator Julie Gebbing will teach writing and illustrating strategies and support the group to create a book together that will be professionally printed. This will be available for purchase, as a fundraiser for your school or organisation. 


All The Feels - Relationships Program: To explore and increase understanding of respectful relationships and managing stress.


Family Well-ness Session: Support for parents and children to understand children's big emotions and regulate these in a safer and more sustainable way.


Children's therapeutic storybooks, activity books and art activities