Across Oliver's Desk 

Principal's Report

Dear Parents & Guardians, 



This week the school was given its 2022 completed NAPLAN results. The results are again outstanding. When compared to similar schools and network schools we are higher in every measure, a brilliant result. I would like to thank all of our staff for the wonderful combined effort they do to get results we achieve. I say this all the time but……….our teachers and our teacher aides are simply the best.

We are always striving to make sure we are supporting the emotional well being of every student but schools run well when children work towards their goals and are given constant feedback on their next point of improvement. NAPLAN is only a snapshot of what our students can do. I’m so proud of our students and how much they care about their learning. Our results demonstrate that we are making sure that our students will leave grade six being literate, numerate and confident.  


A few weeks ago, a few 5/6 students came to see me about using 'Who Gives A Crap' recycled toilet paper to help lower our carbon footprint. They were all very excited when the toilet paper arrived at school earlier this week. At this stage the company only makes single roll toilet paper, but the kids plan is to write to the company to try and get the large rolls that could go in to the student toilets.  How good would that be! What a great initiative by our students! Well done Flynn, Zach, Ashlee and Shayla! 


The Parent Opinion Survey is issued annually by the Department of Education and Training and is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents at every school in Victoria. This year, 100 of our families will be invited to participate. All responses to the survey are anonymous. The survey helps our school gain an understanding of how you view our school climate, student engagement and the teaching and learning programs. Our school will use the results to inform school planning and improvement strategies. The survey will be conducted online, only takes 10-15 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the fieldwork period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. The survey is open from Monday 11th August to Friday 16th September. If you are selected to participate in the survey, please provide open and honest feedback and above all, please ensure that you do respond to the survey as we very much value your input. Results will be sent back to our school at the end of September. 


Last week I was in a number of meetings with other Principals across the state. My biggest take away from those meetings was that we are doing really well here at Woori in terms of the low numbers of COVID and the Flu. The last month really feels like normal, except for the rain of course. Therefore, I would like to again promote, ‘it’s not ok to be away’ and that every day at school is important. Along with the shared responsibility of keeping illness out of the school, we remind parents of the legal responsibility to inform us when your child/ren are not attending. Compass provides an easy option to quickly add an attendance note (eg. ‘Parent Choice’) to communicate absence and assist us in our duty of care. 


We need to remind parents that we need families to update mobile phone numbers in preparation for the bushfire season. If your circumstances have changed since last year, either with your address or your mobile phone number, can you please advise the office. One of the features of our school is the welcoming of parent participation, whether it be parents helping out in classrooms for reading, helping with cooking, breakfast club or even celebration days. We need to remind parents that it is vital that you do sign in and out of the office, even if it is just for dropping lunches off. Due to being in a bush fire prone zone, we need an accurate record of who is and isn’t in our school at all times should we need to evacuate to the hall. It is an occupational health and safety issue that we must adhere to. 


Thank you to all our parents and students that got behind our book week celebration. Some of the costumes were amazing. 



Please make sure you look after yourself this week and thank you again for all your support!