Principal's Report 

Vermont Secondary College

Reminder - Upcoming Events

Term 3

Wednesday 7 September 2022

General Achievement Test (GAT) for students undertaking a Unit 3 & 4 subject. Canteen will provide a sausage sizzle for students completing the GAT. 


Student Free Day for all other students as all staff are involved in a Professional Learning Day.


Friday 9 September 2022 - Cycle 3 reports released to families.


Thursday 15 September 2022 - Student Progress Conferences - student are  expected to attend online conferences, no classes are conducted on this day.


First week of Term 3 holidays

19 - 22 September - Unit 3 & 4 Practice exams.


Term 3 concludes on Friday 16th of September and classes will be dismissed at 2.30.


Term 4

Term 4 begins on Monday 3rd of October and concludes on Tuesday 20th of December.


Wednesday 19 October - Vermont Secondary College Community Association Meeting - 7pm. New members welcome.




The annual college production, this year The Drowsy Chaperone, concluded on Saturday 20th of August after 6 evening performances and some matinees plus full-dress rehearsals. The production is a huge undertaking by staff and by all the students involved in the performance, sound & lighting, backstage support, props, hair & makeup, costumes and the school band playing the soundtrack for each performance. 


The Drowsy Chaperone is a parody of a 1920's musical that is full of ridiculous dance numbers, silly gimmicks and cliches, and biting commentary about the world of musical theatre. 


The production was extremely well received by the college community, and I had the pleasure of attending on opening night where no stage jitters were evident. I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and commend Tori Adams for her leadership of the college production and also the multitude of staff involved, either on selected nights or throughout the entire rehearsal and performance times. This is a massive undertaking, and I thank the students involved for their commitment and sincerely thank the staff for giving so much of their time on such a worthwhile, and important, component of the college.




On Tuesday the 16th of August the Senior Boys football team travelled to La Trobe University, playing on an excellent surface, to play Grovedale College in the State AFL football final. On a very blustery, but dry day, Grovedale opened proceedings with the first gaol, with the wind, in the opening few minutes. In the first quarter Vermont responded with 5 goals against a very strong breeze. From there on it became a very one-sided affair with the final score being Vermont 13:11 = 89 points to Grovedale 1:6 = 12 points.


This is a fantastic achievement, and the boys are to be congratulated! 

Well done also to their coach, Seamus Billings and to Peter Henderson in the supporting role. Thank you also to all the parents and other VSC students who came out to support the team, greatly appreciated.







Congratulations to the three students who have been selected as members of the main cast at the 2022 Victorian State Schools Spectacular:

Levi J - Vision Crew, Liam S - Vision Crew, Isabel S - Principal Dancer

Students in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular are currently rehearsing for two performances at John Cain Arena on Saturday 10 September followed by a 90-minute broadcast of the show on Channel 7.  This year's production will showcase over 3,000 Victorian government school students in a performance of music, song, dance and circus arts.  


In the lead up to the performance, students are required to attend additional rehearsals during the Spectacular Production Week at the arena.  


The students are commendable ambassadors for our school and your support of their involvement is appreciated.  


This is a fantastic achievement so well done to Levi, Liam and Isabel and all  the best for the performance.




Great news, four of our students, Olin Y Yr 7, Stella K Yr 7, Ashley T Yr 8 and James P Yr 8 have made it through to the State finals of the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee. The State finals are this Thursday.   


Best of luck in the final but a fantastic achievement to get this far. 

Thank you to Rhiana Dunkley for organising and supporting the students, she, like us, are very proud of you.