Education in Faith

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

The First Will be Last


In this week’s Gospel, a major theme of the Scripture readings is ‘Be humble of heart’. Jesus calls us to act with humility. None of us should act in a way that makes it seem we are deserving of special attention. Because God loves us, we are special, but God loves everyone with the same kind of love, and God has promised to reward us when we act with humility and love.

Jesus is trying to teach us the importance of being humble. We should not always try to get the best things, or the best place, or the best treatment for ourselves.


Humility is one of the favourite topics of the writers of wisdom literature. 

The first meaning of humility is to recognise our proper place before God and before one another. All are of unique value in the eyes of God. This is easy to forget in a very competitive culture where first is best. The gift of humility is far more valuable than material things.


The Gospel of Luke tells a story about going to a banquet. Jesus decides on this parable when the invited guests start competing for the best places at the table, and he can see a lesson on humility is in order.


Not only does the story tell the disciples to take the worst seat at the table, but it also gives advice about who to invite to the table. As in the psalm, Jesus sets a place at the table for the poor, the crippled and the needy.


We also should not seek any repayment for our humility. God isn’t just talking about a dinner party, but about the Kingdom of God, where ‘everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled and he who humbles himself shall be exalted.’


The big shots, the greedy rich people, and those who are ambitious for honours are so busy worrying about who sits where, who gets ahead first, that they have no time to listen to God’s word. The poor and the outcasts know that they need God.


From these readings we learn, first, that the poor are closest to God and, second, that as disciples we must live in humility with others and God instead of simply for ourselves.


Discussion Starters

  • When have you had a party?
  • Whom did you invite?
  • Jesus says that when you have a party, give up your seat to others. What does it mean if you give up your seat for others?
  • How can we think of others before ourselves this week?

God Bless 

Rozeta Ambrose





Teachers have been busily giving House points to students who demonstrate community spirit which includes demonstrating our school values. The points given last week were:


TERESA – 133           BOSCO – 126             PATRICK – 112         MACKILLOP – 91                              


Congratulations to Teresa this week again! What a great effort!!


Mini Vinnies have also been busy counting the bread bags that students have been bringing in. These will go towards our Community Spirit points as we are recycling and thinking of our environment as well as enabling SFS to purchase some sports equipment, so therefore thinking of our SFS community. 


The points for each House so far:


TERESA – 441         MACKILLOP – 375             PATRICK – 292                   BOSCO - 251       


So the total points for the Community Spirit Award this year after also adding the bread bag points:


1st                   TERESA                      2676                           

2nd                  MACKILLOP             2533   

3rd                   BOSCO                       2333   

4th                   PATRICK                    2254


Well done Teresa for still being in the lead!!! But let’s see who will be leading next week!!!


Next Tuesday Mini Vinnies will once again collect the point sheets and add the points so that we can give students and staff an update through Morning Gathering on Wednesday and parents will be given an update via the newsletter.


Can’t wait to see who is leading next week after more House points have been distributed!!



We only have one more week to collect bread bags so please bring in as many as you can. Next Tuesday Mini Vinnies will once again count the bread bags that have been brought in and add the points to our competition.


Giuliana and SFS Mini Vinnies