Principal's Message

By Anthony Jackson (Acting Principal)

Happy New Year & Welcome!


I would like to welcome all of you to a new school year. I hope that you have all had a safe and restful break after a challenging 2020 for us all. Your ongoing support and commitment assisted us to ensure your child was able to successfully continue with their learning last year - Thank you agin. We have many new families who have joined our school community this year. I hope you and your child have had a positive start to Jackson. 


It is with great pleasure that I introduce our new staff who have joined us for 2021: Teachers - Belinda (Prep), Laura (1/2), Paul (7/8), Cody (7/8) and Ben (PE). ESS - Emily (1/2), Amber (3/4) & Dijana (ASDAN).


New Principal Team


Joan has decided to take some extended leave in 2021. During this time I will undertake the role of Acting Principal as I have done previously in 2019. I will be supported by our two Assistant Principals: Robyn Procak (Primary) and Kris Parsons (Secondary). Please do not hesitate to contact one of us if we can be of assistance. The office staff may also forward any queries to another member of our leadership team who have a range of differing responsibilities in leading our school community. 


COVID-19 Guidelines (as of 11:59 Wednesday 3rd Feb)


As we become accustomed to our "COVID Normal” lives, restrictions remain in place for adults when onsite at school. Following the Government’s announcements regarding new statewide restrictions that came into effect at 11:59pm on Wednesday 3 February, there is new guidance for schools regarding the wearing of masks.

  • People aged 12 and over must wear a fitted face mask when in public indoor spaces unless there is a lawful reason not to. We ask you to provide a face mask for your child to attend school tomorrow
  • Students aged 12 or older must wear a face mask indoors when at school, unless they are attending the outside school hours care (OHSC) program or an exception applies. We encourage families to provide the school with any medical exemption if your child is not able to wear a face covering when indoors
  • Children under 12 years of age and students at primary school or attending an OHSC program are not required to wear face masks
  • School staff are not required to wear face masks while teaching or caring, but those who wish to do so, can. Staff must wear face masks in indoor areas of the school when not teaching or caring
  • Visitors to school sites must also wear masks when indoors. Face masks are also recommended for adults when physical distancing of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained when outside
  • if your child is unwell then your child must stay home and continue to get tested
  • we are required to continue to isolate students displaying potential COVID-19 symptoms and ask you to collect your child from school and get tested
  • regular hand washing/sanitisation for students and staff, social distancing for all adults at school including parents, limited adults in rooms (these have now increased to 2m x 1m = 2 sqm), windows open for increased air flow
  • staggered drop-offs in cars from 8:45 will continue. We are unable to continue the  staggered pick-up times. Parents/carers must now collect their children from the front of the school and continue to socially distance and where face coverings where this is not possible
  • to support contact tracing, students and visitors who attend on site for more 15 minutes must sign in at the office

For further guidance from the Department of Education (DET) and DHHS please visit:;; 


FREE School Fees for 2021


Due to the hardship many of our families faced during 2020, we have decided to waive school fees for student resources and excursions for this year. Your child will receive the same book pack and excursion activities but these will be paid for by the school in 2021. We hope that this gesture supports your family in making up for any missed opportunities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents/carers are required to still contribute to school camps as normal. CSEF funding support is available to families. For further information on CSEF please visit: 


Child Safe Standards


Jackson School is a child safe school. Keeping children safe is everyone's responsibility. If you have a reasonable belief that a child has been abused and don't report it to police, it's a criminal offence. This law applies to all adults. School teachers and school councillors have additional responsibilities. They must report any suspected abuse if the parents or carers can't or won't protect the child. This is called mandatory reporting. If you have any concerns about child safety please contact a member of the Principal Team or our Social Worker / Child Safety Officer (Alex Baynes). For further information on the child safe standards please visit:


Parent Teacher Interviews / Student Support Groups (SSGs)


We look forward to welcoming all of you next week for our parent teacher interviews / student support groups (SSG). These will take place onsite next Tuesday 9th February between 3:30-7:30. COVID-19 restrictions remain in place. Please ensure you have made a time to meet your child's teacher and discuss their learning goals. If you would prefer a telephone or virtual SSG, then please let your child's teacher know. There will also be an opportunity for IT support with Xuno (Parent Portal) and SeeSaw (Student Digital Learning Portfolio). 


Communication & Bus/Pick-up Changes


We are no longer encouraging the use of communication books for sharing home-school information. Some students may use their students diaries to support with their learning of time/calendar. Xuno remains our official whole school communication tool with families. SeeSaw may be used by your class teacher for day-to-day communication. Please ensure you have let your child's teacher know if there are any daily bus, OSHC or parent pick-up changes.




We are continuing to hold whole school assemblies in the first and last weeks of every term. Parents/carers are always welcome to join us. Primary classes will have a student-led assembly each week in the hall. Parent/carers are also more than welcome to attend. COVIDSafe guidelines remain in place (social distancing/face masks) for adult visitors. Our secondary classes will continue to run virtual year-level assemblies.


Best wishes,

