Classroom News 

So good to be back!!!

Years 3/4/5 Transition.


This week students were testing their games and making adjustments to ensure they would work. Some groups even had students from Year Prep and 1/2 to test out their games and gave some great feedback to the senior students. Next week they will have their final practise and Friday Games Day with the Junior classes and the Year 6's. 

Year 3/4 


This week students commenced their Advent Journey by using the Classroom Advent Calendar. The Advent calendars have different activities of service to others, such as reading a book to their sibling, smiling at every person they pass, encouraging others to do their best. So look out for the activities that your child might ask or do with your family throughout this period. 


Tessellation Maths Art. 

On Monday all the students from Year 3/4 explored the mathematics of tessellation through art. Each student used a potato as their printing tool and created their own tessellation pattern. The process began by stamping a cookie cutter into one half of the potato and carving out the excess flesh with a butter knife. This was repeated on the other half of the potato, so each student had two shapes to work with. The students dried out their carvings and, with a sponge, applied paint to the surface ready for printing. Students followed the rules of tessellation to create repeated, symmetrical patterns using their shapes. It was wonderful to see the students create artworks using their hand-made printing tools! The pieces produced were bright, colourful and thoughtful examples of potato-print tessellations. Ersie (Student Teacher, ACU).

Year 1/2 Advent 

Every school day leading up to Christmas the Grade1/2 students are taking turns to choose one envelop on our advent Christmas tree to open and read to the class. Inside are good deeds and nice things we can do during Christmas. This week we have had... 


Give someone a hug and tell them you love them! - Emma 

Make a card for some of your friends - Connor 

Try to listen and do the right thing - Lauren 

Play respectfully in the playground - Harper 

Help your Mum and Dad if they are busy - Isabella 


P-2 Inquiry Minibeast Habitat Project 

The P-2 students have been learning about minibeasts for Inquiry and have explored their chosen minibeast in more detail. They had made their minibeast and have now worked as a group to create a home for their minibeasts to live. 

Ishe, Bhavin, Future and Gail
Harper, Jacob, Stephanie and Roery
Aleisha, Isabella and Zara
Ishe, Bhavin, Future and Gail
Harper, Jacob, Stephanie and Roery
Aleisha, Isabella and Zara
Katelin and Adam
Lauren and Jasmine
Connor, Alex, Roman, Sean and Maxie
Katelin and Adam
Lauren and Jasmine
Connor, Alex, Roman, Sean and Maxie
Glendon, Veer, Fortunato and Shrihan
Glendon, Veer, Fortunato and Shrihan