Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community


COVID Protocols

Contrary to last week's newsletter where I indicated some changes to our protocols and procedures introduced during the period of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have decided not to change any of our protocols until at least the beginning of next year. After discussion with the leadership team, it has been decided that any inconvenience caused by staggered school finish times, parents not being permitted into the school grounds of a morning and afternoon and limited access to the school building, is worth continuing until the end of the year if it assists our school community stay safe. We hope that you understand this change of plans and thank you for continued adherence to our protocols. 


Saturday's Bunnings BBQ

A big thank you to the very generous parent community and selfless staff, who have offered to help out at our school's Bunning's BBQ fundraiser this Saturday. Without your generosity we would not be able to take advantage of this great opportunity to raise some important finances for our school. I would like to personally thank Jenny for organising this event, Dessy Haley mother of Caitlin in Year One, who has organised a donation of free bread from her employer Davies Bakery and Elissa Keogh mother of Sylvie in Year Five, who organised the sausages. If you are looking for a well cooked bbq sausage, come and see us at the Bunnings store near Northland this Saturday. The bbq commences at 9.00 am and finishes at 4.00pm.


First Communion

I would like to congratulate our Year Four students, Miliana, Julian and Jackson, who will make their First Communion this Sunday at 12.00pm Mass. I know it will be a very special day for these students and their families. Our prayers are with them as they take the next important step in their faith journey.


Leaving Staff

At the end of this school year we are saying farewell to three of our staff who have had a great impact on our school during their period of employment. 


Belinda Cheong is taking up a position at St Mary's Greensborough after nine years at Sacred Heart, working as a diligent and passionate teacher and an informed, intuitive leader. In my three years at Sacred Heart, I have relied upon Belinda's curriculum expertise to help set directions and goals for our school. She has been an integral part of our school's leadership team and a very valuable staff member. I want to thank Belinda for her contribution to our school and wish her every success and happiness as she takes on another leadership position at St Mary's.


Stuart McDonald is heading for greener pastures literally by doing a tree change and taking his family to live in Port Fairy. Stuart has been our Physical education teacher for the past eighteen months and during that time has had a key role in developing our students skills and fitness and introducing them to new sports. Thank you Stuart for your passion and genuine interest in our students.


Amalie O'Hara is also embarking on a tree change next year and is escaping hectic city life. Amalie has been a great asset in the Year Five/Six area this year and a great supporter of our music program with her passion and beautiful voice. Amalie has been a great support to our teachers and I wish to thank her for her compassion and care of our students, especially in their times of need.


Congratulations to two former Sacred Heart students


Dear Mark,

Today we conducted the Investiture of our 2021 Prefect Group.

I am very pleased to announce that two of your prior students have been elected to and accepted with pride, key leadership positions – Elwood Jepson (Prefect), Jai Parekh (Prefect).

We certainly recognise and thank you and the staff sincerely for the crucial part that Sacred Heart has played during their formative years.

I am sure that you will join with us in congratulating them and wishing them well for the leadership position that they will hold during their final year at Parade.

Good luck for the remainder of the year and the Festive Season that is fast approaching.

Kind regards.




Year Prep 2021 students in their new uniform

Our Year Prep 2021 students had their second transition session with Bethany and Rose Lee today. Smiles were everywhere and Saanvi was so excited she skipped into the school building from the gate. Again they showed that they are going to be another great group of Sacred Heart Year Prep students.

Kaiden looking very proud
Kaiden looking very proud


Eva very happy.
Eva very happy.
Peta asking Hannah if she will be her Year Six buddy
Peta asking Hannah if she will be her Year Six buddy


Viraj and his dad looking like they are very happy to be joining our Sacred Heart family.
Viraj and his dad looking like they are very happy to be joining our Sacred Heart family.


Aaron is going to be very sun smart in 2021
Aaron is going to be very sun smart in 2021




Please stay safe.


Yours Sincerely

Mark Tierney
