Student Achievement Awards

7th December 2020


Well done Owen on the wonderful work you have done this term. You have showed great commitment to your learning by putting in your best effort and always being organised.


Nirvan has put in so much effort into his learning and absorbing new knowledge. Nirvan demonstrated a wonderful attitude and attention to detail when learning all about penguins and Antarctica.


Jayden has worked arduously to build relationships with peers and be kind to others. He has shown determination and care when looking out for others in his class and identifying how he can show them kindness. Great work Jayden.


Savannah has put so much effort into mastering all the sounds and gestures we have learned in phonics. She is a fabulous contributor and puts effort into all her phonics work. Super work Savannah!


Alvin has been putting a tremendous effort into learning to correctly form all of his letters Your perseverance is inspiring Alvin!


Well done Andy on the great effort you put into all your work. This week you wrote a lovely letter to the author Rod Clement. Your letter was written with correct format, beautiful handwriting and with reasons for why you enjoy his books. Great work Andy!


Samyu always puts in great effort to all her learning. This week Samyu worked collaboratively with her partner to make a fantastic robot to match her carefully considered design. Great work Samyu!


Congratulations Mithun on the effort you have been putting into reaching your goal. You worked really hard and tried your best to stay on task and not get distracted by others around you. Because of this, you were able to write a recount that used an exciting Ollie Opener as well as great connectives like 'then' and 'Finally'.


Well done Harris on the creative and funny Limerick poem you wrote the other day. You did an excellent job following the structure and rhyme, and you made it really entertaining for the audience by incorporating humour. Congratulations buddy!


Congratulations Kemindu! You wrote a very kind and loving letter to a teacher in the school, where you used the correct structure and format of letter writing. You put in so much effort into the presentation of your work and used WOW words, capital letters and punctuation in your writing. Well done super star!


Congratulations Hayley! You have done an amazing job demonstrating a good understanding of making and sharing groups in Maths this week. You created an excellent poster that showed arrays, repeated addition, and multiplication/division stories. Keep up the great work!


Congratulations Anneliese! Your recount writing shows that you are putting a huge effort into choosing WOW words, adding punctuation such as talking marks and exclamation marks and paragraphing. Your recounts are always terrific with plenty of detail and up-levelling. Great work Anneliese!


Congratulations Khang on the excellent effort you put into your letter to author, Rod Clement. Your letter was structured correctly, you wrote about the message in the stories and you included the reasons you enjoy his books. Well done, Khang!


Well done Madelyn on the wonderful letter you wrote to a teacher this week. You used your time effectively and your letter included the correct features, neat hand writing and reasons why you are excited about Grade 3. Congratulations Madelyn!


Congratulations Oli on your super handwriting in your Literacy work! The effort and care you have shown in working towards your handwriting goal of having the correct letter size has been impressive. Well done and keep it up!


Congratulations on the wonderful achievements you have made in Literacy and Numeracy. You have worked hard towards overcoming areas that required persistence and concentration. I am very proud of the determination you have shown, the ability to give all tasks a go and building in self confidence along the way. Way to go Cindy!


Congratulations Musian on showing such enthusiasm towards your learning this term, it has been wonderful to watch you grow! You have displayed a 'can do' attitude when solving multiplication problems using 4 and 5-digit numbers. What a star!


Congratulations Natasha on all your hard work on your writing. You write entertaining and amusing stories with a great deal of thought and interesting storylines. Keep up the great work.


For being a positive member of our class. Manav always participates in partner, group and class discussions. Manav has been working hard on improving his handwriting and the presentation of this written work. A great effort Manav!


Congratulations Diya, you should be very proud of your participation in Socratic last week. You followed all of the rules and shared thoughtful and considerate ideas to the group. Keep up the great work!


Bronte is a fantastic all-round student. She always works diligently in class and is always respectful and friendly towards her peers and teachers. She is going to be missed at Syndal South, but we wish her all the best!


Congratulations Alizeh on having an amazing attitude towards learning. It is a pleasure to see you explain your mathematical understandings and love the challenge of proving your answers. You are a Super Star.


Hayley, I am so proud of you! It has been great to see your growing resilience and inner strength over the last few weeks. Every day I see a huge smile on your face and it is so good to see! Super effort Hayley!